Lei, Janet Jacobus, Egon J. Taverner, William K. Fisher, Kerry D. Hemmi, Silvio West, Katy Slater, Lorna Lilley, Fred Brown, Alice Champion, Brian
Published in
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
BackgroundOncolytic viruses are currently experiencing accelerated development in several laboratories worldwide, with some forty-seven clinical trials currently recruiting. Many oncolytic viruses combine targeted cytotoxicity to cancer cells with a proinflammatory cell lysis. Due to their additional potential to express immunomodulatory transgenes...
Hammond, Edward Haynes, Nicole M. Cullinane, Carleen Brennan, Todd V. Bampton, Darryn Handley, Paul Karoli, Tomislav Lanksheer, Fleur Lin, Liwen Yang, Yiping
Published in
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
BackgroundPixatimod (PG545) is a novel clinical-stage immunomodulatory agent capable of inhibiting the infiltration of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) yet also stimulate dendritic cells (DCs), leading to activation of natural killer (NK) cells. Preclinically, pixatimod inhibits heparanase (HPSE) which may be associated with its inhibitory effec...
Webster, Collin A. Starrett, Angie Rehling, Jeffery Chen, Brian Beets, Michael W. Weaver, R. Glenn
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Movement integration (MI)—infusing physical activity (PA) into normal classroom time during school—is an evidence-based strategy to support public health goals and enhance educational outcomes for elementary children. However, few elementary classroom teachers in the United States appear to be using MI resources. In order to understand teachers' MI...
Prudnikov, I. M.
Published in
Siberian Mathematical Journal
We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the representability of an arbitrary function of two variables as the difference of two convex functions. Some geometric interpretation of these conditions is given. We present an algorithm of such a representation which yields a uniformly convergent sequence of convex functions.
del Aguila, F. de Blas, J. Pérez-Victoria, M.
Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics
We study extensions of the Standard Model with general new vector bosons. The full Standard Model gauge symmetry is used to classify the extra vectors and constrain their couplings. We derive the corresponding effective Lagrangian, valid at energies lower than the mass of the extra vectors, and use it to extract limits from electroweak precision ob...
de Blas, J. Ciuchini, M. Franco, E. Mishima, S. Pierini, M. Reina, L. Silvestrini, L.
Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics
We present results from a state-of-the-art fit of electroweak precision observables and Higgs-boson signal-strength measurements performed using 7 and 8 TeV data from the Large Hadron Collider. Based on the HEPfit package, our study updates the traditional fit of electroweak precision observables and extends it to include Higgs-boson measurements. ...
Criado, J. C. Pérez-Victoria, M.
Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics
We study the impact of the leading non-renormalizable terms in the effective field theory that describes general extensions of the Standard Model with vector-like quarks that can decay into Standard Model particles. Dropping the usual assumption of renormalizability has several phenomenological consequences for the production and decay of the heavy...
Criado, Juan Carlos Djouadi, Abdelhak Pérez-Victoria, Manuel Santiago, José
Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics
We present an effective field theory describing the relevant interactions of the Standard Model with an electrically neutral particle that can account for the dark matter in the Universe. The possible mediators of these interactions are assumed to be heavy. The dark matter candidates that we consider have spin 0, 1/2 or 1, belong to an electroweak ...
Chefranov, S. G. Chefranov, A. G.
Published in
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
It has been shown that the conclusion of the linear instability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers requires the refusal of the use of the traditional “normal” form of the representation of disturbances, which implies the possibility of separation of variables describing disturbances as functions of the radial and longitudinal (...
Panda, Swayamtrupta
Published in
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
The Eigenvector 1 schema, or the main sequence of quasars, was introduced as an analogous scheme to the HR diagram that would allow us to understand the more complex, extended sources - active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that harbor accreting supermassive black holes. The study has spanned more than three decades and has advanced our knowledge of the di...