Yuan, Fangling Tang, Yatian Zheng, Feifei Xie, Qipeng
Published in
Journal of Innate Immunity
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent chronic joint disorder. It is characterized by an immune response that maintains a low level of inflammation throughout its progression. During OA, cartilage degradation leads to the release of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which intensify the inflammatory response. β-Amyloid is a wel...
Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich Nocon, Agnes Beesdo, Katja Pine, Daniel S. Höfler, Michael Lieb, Roselind Gloster, Andrew T.
Published in
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
Background: The relationship of panic attacks (PA), panic disorder (PD) and agoraphobia (AG) is controversial. The aim of the current study is to prospectively examine the 10-year natural course of PA, PD and AG in the first three decades of life, their stability and their reciprocal transitions. Methods: DSM-IV syndromes were assessed via Composit...
Roy, Alec
Published in
Depressed patients (n = 46) were compared with normal controls (n = 42) for their scores on 7 personality variables measured on 4 personality questionnaires. The scores of the depressed patients obtained during the index depressive episode were significantly higher for introversion, neuroticism, and hostility, and significantly lower for self-estee...
Wilcox, J. Allen Tsuang, John
Published in
Psychotic subjects received amantadine in an open, naturalistic study. The psychological symptoms of the subjects were measured using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Some subjects experienced an increase in their symptoms. The subjects most likely to have the increase were those whose baseline level of functioning was most disturbed.
Wahby, V.S. Ibrahim, G.A. Giller, E.L. Saddik, F.W. Mason, J.W. Adams, J.R.
Published in
A dexamethasone suppression test (DST) was performed on 8 schizoaffective depressed men. Cross-sectional comparisons were made with three groups: schizophrenics (n = 10), unipolar major depressives (n = 23) and healthy controls (n = 43). All were drug-free and similar in age and body weight. Evaluations utilized the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RD...
Zemishlany, Zvi McQueeney, Robert Gabriel, Steven M. Davidson, Michael
Published in
The effect of a single dose (3 mg) of alprazolam on plasma cortisol, growth hormone (GH), prolactin, norepinephrine (NE) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (MHPG) was studied in 10 healthy males. Alprazolam and placebo were administered orally in a crossover design and blood was sampled for 24 h. In comparison to placebo, alprazolam signif...
Fernández-Teruel, A. Escorihuela, R.M. Boix, F. Longoni, B. Corda, M.G. Tobeña, A.
Published in
The present study reports that long-term (18 days) administration of imipramine (IMI, 20 mg/kg) or desipramine (DMI, 15 mg/kg) produced a significant decrease in the GABA-stimulated 36Cl– uptake into membrane vesicles from the cerebral cortex of rats (experiment 1). Experiments 2A, B and 3A, B show that anti-immobility effects of DMI and IMI (subac...
Weiler, Martin A. Buchsbaum, Monte S. Gillin, Christian Tafalla, Richard Bunney, Jr., William E.
Published in
This study explored the relationship between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and schizophrenia using positron emission tomography. Glucose use was compared between 49 schizophrenics, 30 awake controls and 12 controls in REM sleep. Assessment of the frequency and locations of brain areas showing significant differences suggested that REM did not rese...
Koponen, Hannu Honkonen, Sinikka Partanen, Juhani Riekkinen, Paavo J.
Published in
Our report concerns 2 patients who developed delirium after an epileptic attack during mianserin treatment. In both cases the EEG showed a change with periodic sharp slow complexes similar to that seen in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The symptoms subsided, however, and the EEG normalized after the antidepressant was discontinued, suggesting a noxious...
Hashimoto, R. Ozaki, N. Ohta, T. Kasahara, Y. Kaneda, N. Nagatsu, T.
Published in
The plasma total biopterin and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) levels of 24 psychiatric patients were measured in the symptomatic phase, under no influence of psychotropic drugs as long as possible, and were compared with those of normal controls. The significant increase in total biopterin levels was observed only in the plasma of the patients with affe...