Srivastava, Kosha Arshad, Faheem Mujawar, Wasim Javed Cranberg, Lee Rajeshwaran, Jamuna Afsar, Mohammad Thanissery, Nithin Desai, Vaishnavi Keerthana, Bangalore Somashekar Shubhangi, Balu
Published in
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is characterized by motor, cognitive, and behavioral impairment. There is a paucity of evidence about the cognitive/behavioral features of ALS patients from India. We aimed to investigate the cognitive/behavioral profile of ALS spectrum disorders in the Indian context. Methods: Sixty patients with A...
Lorenzin, Anna de Cal, Massimo Perin, Natascha Morisi, Niccolò Brendolan, Alessandra Lentini, Paolo Zanella, Monica Ronco, Claudio
Published in
Blood Purification
Introduction: Enkephalins, endogenous opioid peptides, are involved in the regulation of renal function. One derived molecule, proenkephalin A, also known as penKid, has been demonstrated to be a reliable biomarker for kidney function and its plasma concentration correlates with measured glomerular filtration rate. penKid is used for prediction and...
Wawrla-Zepf, Julia Vonzun, Ladina Rüegg, Ladina Strübing, Nele Krähenmann, Franziska Meuli, Martin Mazzone, Luca Moehrlen, Ueli Ochsenbein-Kölble, Nicole
Published in
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy
Introduction: Chorioamniotic membrane separation (CMS) is a known complication after fetal spina bifida (fSB) repair. This study’s goal was to analyze women’s outcomes with open fSB repair and CMS (group A) compared to the ones without (group B) and to assess the influence of CMS size and patient management. Methods: A total of 194 women with open ...
van Roekel, Mariëlle Verhoeven, Corine J. Kamphof, Hester D. Gordijn, Sanne J. Ganzevoort, Wessel Franx, Arie van Wieringen, Wessel de Jonge, Ank Henrichs, Jens
Published in
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy
Introduction: Our aim was to develop and evaluate the performance of population-based sex-specific and unisex prescriptive fetal abdominal circumference growth charts in predicting small-for-gestational-age (SGA) birthweight, severe SGA (sSGA) birthweight, and severe adverse perinatal outcomes (SAPO) in a low-risk population. Methods: This is a pos...
Oliveras, Clara Bruguera, Pol Cordero Torres, Imanol Millán Hernández, Andrea Pons, Maria Teresa Guzmán Cortez, Pablo Rodrigo Gómez-Ramiro, Marta Vázquez Vallejo, Mireia Salgado, Emilio Asenjo Romero, Maria
Published in
European Addiction Research
Introduction: Patients who make 5 or more visits per year to hospital emergency departments (EDs) are usually considered ED frequent users (FUs). This study aims to better characterize the influence of alcohol and other drug use-related disorders in this phenomenon in a European Mediterranean country with public, universal, tax-financed healthcare ...
Costa, Gabriela Roldão Correia Jorente, Josep Pontes, Larissa Bretanha Viguetti Campos, Nilma Lúcia Marques-de-Faria, Antonia Paula Vieira, Társis Paiva Steiner, Carlos Eduardo
Published in
Cytogenetic and Genome Research
Introduction: The dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and Turner syndrome in the same patient was clinically identified in the early 1950s before the development of karyotyping techniques. After that, several authors reported anecdotal patients and/or reviewed series of Down-Turner double aneuploidies due to a regular 46,X,+21 constitution or different...
Alves, Alberto J. Viana, João L.
Published in
Portuguese Journal of Public Health
Chapiolkina, Volha Saadati, Homa Guevara-Rodriguez, Nehemias Antonio Francis-Morel, Garry
Published in
Case Reports in Oncology
Introduction: Lung cancer remains the most common cause of cancer death in the USA and worldwide despite continued advances in lung cancer screening and treatment. Pericardial effusion (PerF) has been found in up to 50% of postmortem patients with cancer; lung and breast cancers are the most frequent malignancies. Furthermore, it is a sign of poor ...
Iwayama, Kuninori Hiura, Kazuya Ohtaki, Ko-Ichi
Published in
Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases
Introduction: In pharmacotherapy for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), good medication adherence is necessary to control the condition. However, some patients show poor adherence. Pharmacists need to provide appropriate medication guidance to improve medication adherence. Community pharmacists often have to provide medication guidance in case of in...
Raval, Darshankumar M. Pagán, Ricardo J. Butt, Shayan Rueda Prada, Libardo
Published in
Case Reports in Oncology
Introduction: Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disease caused by the reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 9 and 22, which leads to a chimeric gene product known as BCR-ABL. Some studies have shown a higher incidence of secondary malignancies than the one seen in the general population in patients with CML. Hepatocellular ca...