article "Romantisme", Dictionnaire des contes, sous la direction de Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, CNRS éditions, à paraître en 2...
It is observed, depending on elaboration process conditions, that faults such as cracks appears on automotive windows seals bonding. Thus, to understand the physical behavior, adhesion between two overmoulded vulcanized thermoplastic elastormers (TPV) in which the continuous phase is polypropylene has been investigated, for the first time, through ...
Dans le cadre de cet article, nous avons choisi de questionner l’agir professionnel del’enseignant à l’école au cours d’une séance consacrée aux arts plastiques et de chercher àcomprendre le lien pouvant exister entre son agir et le prendre soin des élèves. Ainsi, la question que l’on se pose est la suivante : En quoi l’agir professionnel de l’ense...
International audience
Interactions of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays (UHECRs) accelerated in astrophysical environments have been shown to shape the energy production rate of nuclei escaping from the confinement zone. To address the influence of hadronic interactions, Hadronic Interaction Models (HIM) come into play. In this context, we present a parameterization capable...
Cette note de recherche documente l’influence de l’État central dans l’orientation géographique des investissements immobiliers. Depuis 2009, les aides fiscales à l’investissement locatif des ménages (actuel dispositif Pinel) ne sont disponibles que sur une part de plus en plus restreinte du territoire national. Le recul des périmètres d’éligibilit...
International audience
Binary search trees (BST) are a popular type of data structure when dealing with ordered data. Indeed, they enable one to access and modify data efficiently, with their height corresponding to the worst retrieval time. From a probabilistic point of view, binary search trees associated with data arriving in a uniform random order are well understood...
Supervised models for speech enhancement are trained using artificially generated mixtures of clean speech and noise signals. However, the synthetic training conditions may not accurately reflect real-world conditions encountered during testing. This discrepancy can result in poor performance when the test domain significantly differs from the synt...