Bringé, Arnaud Golaz, Valérie
Demographers describe and analyse individual events at multiple levels of observation that range from the individuals themselves to the overall population of interest. In quantitative population studies, one way to streamline investigation is to perform a multilevel statistical analysis using a single model, which improves the accuracy of the estim...
Hunter, Lori Gray, Clark Véron, Jacques
Both the quality and quantity of population-environment scholarship have grown substantially over the past several decades. This introductory chapter briefly summarizes key scientific advancements over this period in the areas of migration, fertility, and population health and mortality. Following these summaries, the Handbook’s specific, topical c...
Veljkovic, Marta
Un demi-siècle après l’introduction du concept de « contre-mobilité » par Roger Girod, cet article se propose de renouveler son intérêt pour la sociologie de la stratification sociale. En s’appuyant sur l’enquête « Formation et Qualification Professionnelle » de l’Insee (1970, 1993, 2003, 2014-2015), cette étude confirme, tout d’abord, la persistan...