Joyce, Ray Cert. Dog Handler, Dip. O&M
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
The author discusses three important factors that need to be considered by Orientation & Mobility (O&M) instructors when working with clients that are guide dog users. These include: that the work of a guide dog can be influenced by the presence of the O&M instructor during training; the significance of straight line travel; and the importance of u...
Wells, Kylie Dip. Tchg. (Early Childhood...
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
The current role of the Orientation & Mobility (O&M) instructor routinely involves working with young children (birth to 6 years). The inclusion of this population to the caseload of O&M instructors brings with it unique challenges. Young children’s primary means of learning comes in the form of play, yet O&M traditionally tends to focus on skill s...
Ravenscroft, John Ph.D.
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
Many orientation and mobility (O&M) professionals working to meet the needs of children and adults with vision impairment may do so as a part of multi-agency rehabilitation teams. However, from a study of current literature in the fields of vision impairment, multiple-disability and intellectual disability, it is apparent that multiagency participa...
Lloyd, Janice K.F. Ph.D. La Grow, Steven Ed.D. Stafford, Kevin J. MVB, MSc., Ph.D., FRC... Budge, R. Claire Ph.D.
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
This article describes the second of a two-part study that examined the effects of a guide dog as an aid to mobility. The first part, which is also published in this issue, showed that dogs were perceived to significantly improve travel performance, irrespective of the participants’ orientation and mobility skills before receiving the dog. The seco...
Riessen, Adrian B.Sec.Ed., (Mathematics)... Ryan, Alison B.App.Sc., (Human Movement)... Battista, Mark B.App.Sc., (Occupational ...
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
Guide Dogs Association of South Australia and Northern Territory (Guide Dogs SA.NT) provides Orientation & Mobility (O&M) programs for people with vision impairment, including training in the use of Electronic Travel Aids (ETAs). Recent developments in wayfinding technology have included introduction of specialised Global Positioning System (GPS) d...
Herlache, Ellen M.A., OTR. Baldwin, Doug BSVS, M.S., (Blind Rehabil... Card, Stacey Graham, Hailey Roberts, Jessica Santoya, Faith
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the SoundFlash device in enhancing non-visual spatial perception. A mixed-methods, A-B-A-B-A-B research design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the SoundFlash. Three vision impaired individuals participated in the study, which included echolocation training both with and witho...
Borkowski, Ewa M.Spec.Ed., (Vision Impai...
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
A review of the history of the long cane and its evolution into a mobility aid for the 21st Century. The long cane maintains its primary function as a tool for people with vision impairment to move around the environment safely and efficiently. However, the long cane can also be customised to suit personal needs and preferences, including the choic...
Doobov, Karen B.Sc., Grad.Cert.Education...
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
Accessible global positioning systems (GPS) are increasingly popular as an orientation aid for people with vision impairment. Adapted GPS such as the BrailleNote, Trekker, Trekker Breeze and Wayfinder Access are discussed. Limitations of adapted GPS devices for the older user are considered. Major benefits of the older user with vision impairment u...
Salisbury, Brad M.S. Naghshineh, Koorosh Ph.D. Wiener, William Ph.D.
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
Research into human hearing has been ‘laboratory’ oriented in the sense that the test environments do not replicate most ‘real world’ situations (Middlebrooks & Green, 1991). It is difficult to see how such tests accurately represent ‘real world’ situations regarding sound source localisation, recognition, and navigation (walking/way-finding) perfo...
Lloyd, Janice K.F. BSc., (Hons), DCR, EM... Budge, R. Claire B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Stafford, Kevin J. MVB, M.Sc., Ph.D., FR... La Grow, Steven J. B.S, M.A, Ed.D.
Published in
International Journal of Orientation & Mobility
The success of the partnership between a guide dog handler (or owner) and a guide dog depends upon both the suitability of the dog and the skill of the handler in maintaining the relationship. This qualitative study explored the use of guide dogs from the perspective of those who use them as a prelude to a larger scale, quantitative project assessi...