De zuivering en de eigenschappen van de replicatieve vorm van het RNA van cowpea-mozaiekvirus
Er zijn verschillende analysemethoden om de aanwezigheid van deoxynivalenol in een produkt te bepalen. In dit literatuurverslag worden de verschillende methoden beschreven. De analyse kan onderverdeeld worden in 3 stappen: extractie, zuivering en detectie.
Since the foundation of colloid chemistry as a branch of science, much attention has been paid to the subject of colloid stability, i.e. the stability of colloid systems against aggregation. Gradually, our knowledge of the mechanisms involved has improved and models were developed, comprised in the DUO theory, which form the basis of a quantitative...
The objective of this study was to develop a liquid-liquid extraction process for the recovery of extracellular enzymes. The potentials of reaching this goal by using reversed micelles in an organic solvent have been investigated.Reversed micelles are aggregates of surfactant molecules containing an inner core of water molecules, dispersed in a con...