Bermejo, Ricardo Buschmann, Alejandro Capuzzo, Elise Cottier-Cookk, Eilizbeth Fricke, Anna Hernández, Ignacio Hofmann, Laurie Carol Pereira, Rui van den Burg, Sander
Macroalgae (or seaweed) aquaculture can potentially provide many ecosystem services, including climate change mitigation, coastal protection, preservation of biodiversity and improvement of water quality. Nevertheless, there are still many constraints and knowledge gaps that need to be overcome, as well as potential negative impacts or scale-depend...
López-Contreras, Ana M. van der Geest, Matthijs Deetman, Bea van den Burg, Sander Brust, Hanneke de Vrije, Truus
Since 2011, unprecedented beaching events of Sargassum seaweed have caused major environmental, health and economic problems in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, northern Brazil and the western coast of Africa. Not only are Sargassum influxes threatening already fragile and often endangered coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs, mangroves and seagra...
Buddendorf, Bas ter Horst, Mechteld Roessink, Ivo
Seaweed has the potential to deliver more food to an increasing world population. Diseases endanger production security and yield of any farm, seaweed farming is no exception, hence crop protection plans may be developed that include the use of chemical crop protection either directly or indirectly in co-cropping systems. This document reports a fi...
Jak, Robbert G. Lubsch, Alexander Beier, Ulrika
Lubsch, Alexander Burggraaf, Dirk Lansbergen, Romy
Typically monitoring of marine cultivation systems is done through labour intensive and intrusive field surveys. With the introduction of new sustainable marine production chains such as the cultivation of seaweeds, economically feasible solutions for production and monitoring should also be included in management processes. New technologies have l...
Steins, Nathalie van den Bogaart, Lisanne Maarse, Maaike Smith, Sarah Tamis, Jacqueline Tatman, Sharon
Het ministerie van LNV heeft in de Kennis- en innovatieagenda LNV 2019-2030 de koers voor de komende tien jaar en de uitvoering hiervan bepaald. Vanuit het Noordzee2030-programma is door de ministeries van LNV en van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat (IENW) het initiatief genomen om een Kennisagenda op te stellen, waarin de vragen die de verschillende b...
Elbersen, B. Ammerlaan, I. Klein Lankhorst, R. Matser, A. Trindade, L. Lesschen, J.P. Spijker, J. van der Meer, I. Broese, J. Nabuurs, G.J.
Elissen, H.J.H. van der WIede, R.Y.
Het kweken van zoutwateralgen in reactoren met LED lampen heeft verschillende voordelen. Zoutwateralgen bevatten waardevolle inhoudsstoffen, zoals antioxidanten, die in dit rapport beschreven worden. Verder kan de hoge saliniteit in kweeksystemen leiden tot minder contaminatie. Door ze te kweken in gesloten systemen bij verschillende LED lichtgolfl...
Elissen, H.J.H. Gaastra, S. van der Weide, R.Y.
De commerciële kweek van microalgen voor foodtoepassingen staat sterk in de belangstelling. Het kweken van zoutwateralgen in reactoren met LED lampen heeft verschillende voordelen. Zoutwateralgen bevatten waardevolle inhoudsstoffen, zoals antioxidanten, en hoge saliniteit in kweeksystemen kan leiden tot minder contaminatie. Door ze te kweken in ge...
Vissers, Anne M.
Upon extraction of proteins from sugar beet leaves (Beta vulgaris L.) and oarweed (Laminaria digitata) for animal food and feed purposes, endogenous phenolics and proteins can interact with each other, which might affect the protein’s applicability. Sugar beet leaf proteins might become covalently modified by phenolics through polyphenol oxidase (P...