Tucker, Braden J He, Luke Mishler, Aimee Comp, Geoffrey B
Published in
Wilderness & environmental medicine
Epinephrine is the primary therapy in the treatment of anaphylaxis. Epinephrine delivery devices are commonplace in out-of-hospital care of anaphylaxis because they administer a standardized dose of epinephrine, limit human error, and allow for ease of use by the operator. However, a major limitation of these devices is the single-use nature of the...
d’angelo, jonah ritchie, stephen d. oddson, bruce gagnon, dominique d. mrozewski, tomasz little, jim nault, sebastien
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a psychophysiological variable that is often used in applied analysis techniques to indicate health status because it provides a window into the intrinsic regulation of the autonomic nervous system. However, HRV data analysis methods are varied and complex, which has led to different approaches to data collection, an...
Johnson, Robyn MacKenzie
Building off the extensive criticism surrounding the American wilderness in settler-colonial and Indigenous studies, “Narrating the American Wilderness” examines how the paradoxical variations of the wilderness (the demonic, the sublime, and the innocent) condition settler-colonialists to accept a fictional wilderness as reality. Through continual ...
Celka, Marianne
Le propos de ce texte concerne les origines axiales (entendons les lignes directrices) et axiologiques (relatives aux valeurs) du véganisme. Nous souhaitons ici éclairer les grandes structures idéelles du véganisme, c’est-à-dire les axes argumentatifs autour desquels se déploient les valeurs depuis les origines du mouvement mais aussi montrer comme...
Marguet, Damien
International audience
Larsson, Emelie Ingridsdotter, Jenny
The article explores 'off the grid' representations in social media, with a focus on how these representations reproduce imaginaries of nature, place and gender. The analysis material consists of content produced by three influencers who left urban life for a simpler lifestyle in northern Sweden. We find that the social media content draws on numer...
Brunon, Hervé
International audience
Della Fontana, Lucia
Depuis ses débuts, l'œuvre littéraire de Laura Pugno est traversée par la question du « sauvage » et du « domestique ». Source première de ce que l’autrice, après Freud, nomme « l’inquiétante étrangeté », celle-ci se lie notamment au brouillement des frontières entre la culture et la nature et entre l'humain et l'animal. L’article entend donc parco...
laming, alice fletcher, michael-shawn romano, anthony mullett, russell connor, simon mariani, michela maezumi, s. yoshi gadd, patricia s.
Protecting “wilderness” and removing human involvement in “nature” was a core pillar of the modern conservation movement through the 20th century. Conservation approaches and legislation informed by this narrative fail to recognise that Aboriginal people have long valued, used, and shaped most landscapes on Earth. Aboriginal people curated open and...
locquet, alexandra simon, laurent
In response to the present ecological crisis, new approaches to environmental conservation and management are being developed in Europe. One of the axes considered by nature protection stakeholders since the 2000s is to encourage the return of the wilderness. This has led to the deployment of a variety of initiatives, mainly led by civil and non-pr...