Young, W.J. Anwar, Arif A. Bhatti, Tousif Borgomeo, Edoardo Davies, S. Garthwaite, W.R. Gilmont, M. Leb, C. Lytton, L. Makin, Ian
This report builds on prior work to provide a new, comprehensive, and balanced view of water security in Pakistan, stressing the importance of the diverse social, environmental, and economic outcomes from water. The report highlights the complex water issues that Pakistan must tackle to improve water security and sheds new light on conventional ass...
Koppen, Barbara C.M. van Schreiner, B.
In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically impossible to manage and have worsened inequality in water access. A new study conducted by the International Water Management Institute (I...
Mapani, B. Makurira, H. Magole, L. Meck, M. Mkandawire, T. Mul, Marloes L. Ngongondo, C.
Linstead, Conor
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Increasing irrigation efficiency is often assumed to be a means of saving water and a route to increasing irrigated agricultural production or making water available for other purposes, such as communities, industry or ecosystems. There is a growing body of literature arguing that increasing irrigation efficiency does not reduce consumptive water u...
muricho, abby
Equitable and reasonable utilization is a core principle in the distribution of water resources. However, its practical application in the Nile Basin has been a significant challenge, leading to a water allocation deadlock. To address the deadlock, we used the van Eeten (1999) four-step process for defining new agendas. To reconstruct the debate, n...
Harwood, Andrew J. Tickner, David Richter, Brian D. Locke, Allan Johnson, Susan Yu, Xuezhong
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
During the last two decades many countries have recognized the integral part that environmental flows should play in water management and have incorporated environmental flow provisions as they have updated water policy. This brief sets out generic recommendations for governments and other stakeholders on factors that, if reflected in policy framew...
de Jong, Klaas (author)
Water scarcity and unequal distribution of water to different social groups is a problem around the world - mostly in arid and dry climatological conditions. In Israel and the Palestinian Territories water is used as a territorial tool in what I call 'spaces of conflict and opposition'. What could the role of e.g. an architect be in spaces of confl...
Anwar, Arif A. Bhatti, Muhammad Tousif
The apportionment of waters of the Indus River System between the provinces of Pakistan is widely hailed as a historic agreement. This agreement (herein referred to as the Accord) was signed into effect in 1991, just over 25 years ago. The Accord lacks a clearly stated objective and hence it is difficult to review the Accord against its objective. ...
Denby, K. Movik, S. Mehta, L.
Movik, S. Mehta, L. Koppen, Barbara C.M. van Denby, K.