This work illustrates the discrete vortex method (DVM) as a tool for simulating environmental fluid mechanics problems involving transport in the wake of a bluff body. The DVM was used to model both the long-time-averaged and instantaneous features of flow past a circular cylinder. Simulations were performed for Re = 140, 000. Verification testing ...
This paper presents an original approach for the detection of auto-organizated coherent structures in a fluid flow simulation. This method is based on vortex methods and multiagent systems. We then use automata to simulate the interactions between these structures and the induced evolution of their stability. AUTOMATA BASED MODELIZATION FOR FLOW ST...
Nous étudions les écoulements à l'aide des méthodes de calcul décrivant le transport du tourbillon. Ces méthodes sont basées sur une discrétisation volumique des zones tourbillonnaires en particules que l'on suit dans leur mouvement. Ces dernières portent un vecteur tourbillon qui évolue dans le temps en fonction des distorsions locales du champ de...