Lin, Meng-yu Huang, Liang-hsiung
Published in
Journal of Hydrodynamics
This study employs a Lagrangian frame numerical method to investigate two-dimensional free-surface flow induced by a submerged moving cylinder. This method combines the advantages of vortex methods and boundary integral methods, and is capable of capturing the complex motion of free surface and vortices. A series of computations are performed to in...
Aparinov, A. A. Setukha, A. V.
Published in
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
The computations in a vortex method for three-dimensional fluid dynamics simulation are accelerated by applying mosaic-skeleton approximations of matrices in the velocity computations. A modified vortex segment method is proposed in which mosaic-skeleton matrix approximations are effectively used to solve the problem of a vorticity field developing...
El Ossmani, M. Poncet, P.
This article presents a study of computational cost for the vortex method, a La-grangian numerical scheme using particles of fluids for simulation of three-dimensional flows. Its main features are to compute accurately transport effects and to be very robust, that is to say, often without prohibitive stability condition. Special attention is given ...
Poncet, Philippe
This article presents numerical analysis and practical considerations for three-dimensional flow computation using an implicit immersed boundary method. The Euler equations, or half a step of the Navier-Stokes equations when using fractional step algorithms, are investigated in their vorticity formulation. The context of flow computation around an ...
Dynnikova, G. Ya.
Published in
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
A fast algorithm is proposed for solving the N-body problem arising in flow simulation when the flow is represented as a set of many interacting vortex elements. The algorithm is used to compute the flow over a circular cylinder at high Reynolds numbers.
Koumoutsakos, Petros Cottet, Georges-Henri Rossinelli, Diego
The simulation of fluid flows using particles is becoming increasingly popular in Computer Graphics (CG). The grid-free character of particles, the flexibility in handling complex flow configurations and the possibility to obtain visually realistic results with a small number of computational elements are some of the main reasons for the success of...
Morgenthal, G. Walther, Jens Honore
The paper presents a two-dimensional immersed interface for the Vortex-In-Cell (VIC) method for simulation of flows past bodies of complex geometry. The particle-mesh VIC algorithm is augmented by a local particle correction term in a Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh (P3M) context to resolve sub-grid scales incurred by the presence of the immersed i...
Morgenthal, G. Walther, Jens Honore
The paper presents a two-dimensional immersed interface for the Vortex-In-Cell (VIC) method for simulation of flows past bodies of complex geometry. The particle-mesh VIC algorithm is augmented by a local particle correction term in a Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh (P3M) context to resolve sub-grid scales incurred by the presence of the immersed i...
Morgenthal, G. Walther, Jens Honore
The paper presents a two-dimensional immersed interface for the Vortex-In-Cell (VIC) method for simulation of flows past bodies of complex geometry. The particle-mesh VIC algorithm is augmented by a local particle correction term in a Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh (P3M) context to resolve sub-grid scales incurred by the presence of the immersed i...
Morgenthal, G. Walther, Jens Honore
The paper presents a two-dimensional immersed interface for the Vortex-In-Cell (VIC) method for simulation of flows past bodies of complex geometry. The particle-mesh VIC algorithm is augmented by a local particle correction term in a Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh (P3M) context to resolve sub-grid scales incurred by the presence of the immersed i...