bartoň, tom
Předmětem bakalářské práce bylo navrhnout zástavbu rodinných domů v Úholičkách (Středočeský kraj) na pozemku, který je dle územního plánu určen k takovému rozvoji. Řešené území s celkovou výměrou 20 000 m2 se nachází na severní hranici zastavěné části obce a celé leží na jižním svahu. Na západní straně je ohraničeno ulicí Libčická , na jižní navazu...
Giovacchini, Julie Bohnert, Céline
Présentation de la méthodologie et du contexte de conception du module Transcript, développé pour la communauté EMAN comme plugin intégré au sein d'un environnement de bibliothèque Omeka classic, et mise en évidence des questionnements épistémologiques que soulève cet outil original d'édition au sein de cet environnement. Nous appuierons notre prés...
Šadl Praprotnik, Tija
Namen diplomske naloge je izdelati 3D interaktivno animacijo, ki kupcu pri nakupovanju in izbiri deske, znamke JH Boards, predstavi njen izgled in sestavo. 3D vizualizacija je pomembna komponenta pri nakupovanju preko spleta, saj lahko kupec z njo interaktivno sodeluje in pridobi boljšo predstavo o izdelku. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali program ...
Recek, Jasmina
Ples in igra sta med seboj prepletena – najizrazitejše naravne oblike iger najdemo v plesu, kjer otrok razvija svoj ritem in oblikuje svojo domišljijo. Ples otroka spodbudi h gibanju, razvija otroško mišljenje, obogati domišljijo in izraža otrokova čustva. Obenem ples omogoči otroku sodelovanje v skupini in graditev medsebojnih odnosov. V diplomske...
Bouchereau, Aymeric Leblanc, Jean-Marc
L'Intelligence artificielle (IA) connait une période faste marquée par desrésultats scientifiques majeurs et, conséquemment, une intégrationrapide dans les activités humaines bouleversant ainsi les pratiques etles usages. Ces résultats ont été obtenus grâce au perfectionnementdes méthodes d'apprentissage automatique et, surtout,d'apprentissage prof...
Jiang, Jingang Zhang, Jiawei Sun, Jianpeng Wu, Dianhao Xu, Shuainan
Published in
The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS
Augmented reality (AR) is a new human-computer interaction technology that combines virtual reality, computer vision, and computer networks. With the rapid advancement of the medical field towards intelligence and data visualisation, AR systems are becoming increasingly popular in the medical field because they can provide doctors with clear enough...
David, Erwan Gutiérrez, Jesús Vo, Melissa Le-Hoa Coutrot, Antoine Perreira Da Silva, Matthieu Le Callet, Patrick
Eye tracking can serve as a gateway to studying the mind. For this reason it has been adopted by a diverse range of scientific communities. With the improvement of the quality of head-mounted virtual reality devices (HMDs) over the past 10 years, eye tracking has been added to capture gaze in immersive environments. The use of HMDs with eye trackin...
Guglielmino, Mathieu Bronzino, Francesco Monnet, Sébastien
International audience
Ochoa, Gabriela Liefooghe, Arnaud Lavinas, Yuri Aranha, Claus
This paper adapts a graph-based analysis and visualisation tool, search trajectory networks (STNs) to multi-objective combinatorial optimisation. We formally define multi-objective STNs and apply them to study the dynamics of two state-of-the-art multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: MOEA/D and NSGA2. In terms of benchmark, we consider two- and ...
Shen, Jin-Ming Chen, Jie Feng, Lei Feng, Chun
Published in
International wound journal
Diabetic foot (DF) has become a serious health problem in modern society, and it has been a hotspot of research for a long time. However, little scientometric analysis has been carried out on DF. In the present study, we analysed 8633 literature reports on DF in the Web of Science Core Collection from database inception until April 23, 2022. VOSvie...