Homing social housing in Brussels: engagements in architectural anthropology through three visualisations
status: Published online
status: Published online
Published in Frontiers in Education
Introduction Researchers in the learning sciences have been considering methods of analysing and representing group-level temporal data, particularly discourse analysis, in Computed Supported Collaborative Learning for many years. Methods This paper compares two methods used to analyse and represent connections in discourse, Discrete Time Markov Ch...
Práce popisuje základní pravidla vyhodnocování SQL dotazů v databázových systémech, načež navazuje přehledem prostředků pro jejich optimalizaci a popisem používaných algoritmů. Dále práce představuje návrh vizualizace těchto algoritmů prostřednictvím interaktivního webu ve formě hry. Práce také popisuje proces implementace projektu, implementace vš...
Published in Measurement Science and Technology
A purpose of scientific visualisation is to facilitate the extraction of information within underlying data. Visualisation of a large data set requires an appropriate visualisation method where, instead of focusing on expected features, all acquired data are treated on an equal footing. Here, we identify critical differences between raw and process...
Šah je igra, za katero potrebujemo veliko izkušenj, da lahko položaj na šahovnici pravilno ovrednotimo. To lahko olajšamo z izrisom, kjer so polja obarvana skladno z neposrednim in posrednim vplivom figur na šahovnico. Namen diplomske naloge je nadgradnja te zamisli, kjer se upoštevajo tako trenutni vplivi na polje, kakor tudi tisti v naslednjih po...
In 1960 in Stuttgart, Max Bense published the book Programming the Beautiful [Programmierung des Sch{\"o}nen]. Bense looks in cybernetics for scientific concepts and instigates the thought of programming in the field of literature. His information aesthetics influences a whole generation of scientists and artists - including the Stuttgart Circle, w...
Published in International wound journal
Wound healing is a complicated and multistage biological process for the repair of damaged/injured tissues, which requires intelligent designs to provide comprehensive and convenient treatment. Peptide-based wound dressings have received extensive attention for further development and application due to their excellent biocompatibility and multifun...