Steenbergen, J. van Kooten, T. van de Wolfshaar, K.E. Trapman, B.K. van der Reijden, K.J.
Fisheries targeting brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) in the North Sea in European waters are largely unregulated in terms of landings and effort. A license system exists, but this did not prevent the current situation of overcapacity of the shrimp fleet. The governments of the North Sea brown shrimp fisheries (Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, ...
Couperus, A.S. van Beek, I.J.M. Debrot, A.O. Fassler, S.M.M. Gastauer, S.
This deskstudy gives a review of small pelagic fish species and fisheries in the Dutch Caribbean, specifically species which distributions exceed the national boundaries and where international cooperation in research and management is required.
Steenbergen, J. Ullewelt, J. Machiels, M.A.M. Nijman, R.R. Panten, K. van Helmond, A.T.M.
In the European Union the collection of discard data is enforced trough the Data Collection Regulation or Framework (DCF) of the European Commission (EC). To comply with this ruling, shrimp trawlers have been monitored since 2008 for the Netherlands and since 2006 for Germany. This report presents the information of both sampling programmes from 20...
Prins, H. Zaalmink, W.
In Nederland zijn vanaf 2009 in het kader van het aalherstelplan beperkende maatregelen van krachtvoor de aalvisserij. Friese binnenvissers die zijn verenigd in de Friese Bond van Binnenvissersexperimenteren sinds 2011 met gequoteerd vissen op aal, ook wel decentraal aalbeheer genoemd. Ditis in plaats van het wettelijk verplichte aalvisserijsysteem...
Slijkerman, D.M.E. Tamis, J.E.
van Marlen, B. Fassler, S.M.M. Gastauer, S.
The Dutch pelagic freezer trawler group (Redersvereniging voor de Zeevisserij, RVZ) wishes to avoid the by-catch of non-target species such as boarfish (Capros aper L.) as much as possible. This species is unsuitable for human consumption, and when present in the fishing gear with other species they will reduce product quality. A project was set-up...
Hintzen, N.T. Corten, A.A.H.M. Gerlotto, F. Habasque, J. Bertrand, A. Lehodey, P. Brunel, T.P.A. Dragon, A.C. Senina, I.
This study aims (i) to identify the most likely population structure hypotheses of Jack mackerel, (ii) to identify management objectives for Jack mackerel, and (iii) to evaluate sustainable management strategies to achieve these objectives. These three elements were considered through literature review, statistical and population dynamics modelling...
Miller, D.C.M. Coers, A.
A multiannual plan for sole and plaice in the North Sea was adopted by the EU Council in 2007. It describes two stages: a recovery plan during its first stage and a management plan during its second stage. This report compiles information from a number of studies subsequent to the implementation of the plan, which have been conducted by ICES and ST...
van Kooten, T.
Dit document is een samenvatting, met daarbij de beleidsrelevantie, van de wetenschappelijke publicatie ‘When does fishing lead to more fish? Community consequences of bottom trawl fisheries in demersal food webs ’ geschreven door Daniel van Denderen, Tobias van Kooten en Adriaan Rijnsdorp, gepubliceerd in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 2...
van Overzee, H.M.J. Kraan, M.L. Quirijns, F.J.
Naar aanleiding van het door de EU in 2009 aangenomen European Union Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, is er behoefte aan het verwerven van meer kennis over haaien en roggen die in de Noordzee voorkomen en door Nederlandse vissers worden gevangen. Deze kennis zou tevens van belang kunnen zijn in het kader van het Kaderricht...