Okx, J.P.Frankhuizen, E.M.de Wit, J.C.Pijls, C.G.J.M.Stein, A.
This paper presents an expert support model recombining knowledge and experience obtained during ex situ soil remediation. To solve soil remediation problems, an inter-disciplinary approach is required. Responsibilities during the soil remediation process, however, are increasingly decentralised, which results in dispersed knowledge. The aim of thi...
Enkele resultaten van het IBN-DLO onderzoek 'Kosten en doelrealisatie van omvorming naar kleinschalig gestructureerd bos'. Voor een aantal omvormingsscenario's werden de bedrijfseconomische kosten en opbrengsten en de winst (of verlies) aan natuurwaarden bepaald. Verder uitleg over het kennissysteem waar dit onderzoek deel van uitmaakt
The vast majority of the present day leek cultivars is of poor quality. The genetic constitution of leek makes it a difficult crop to breed and consequently mass, or family selection methods, both of which have a low efficiency, are mainly used. F 1 hybrid breeding seems the appropriate strategy for improvement of leek. With such a breeding system ...
Termites are an important component of agroecosystems, particularly in developing countries where they are an alternative to high priced inputs. Given the major problems in the Sahel of soil crusting and nutrient depletion, this paper shows that termites associated with proper management techniques can play a vital role. Termites contribute to the ...