Kosec, Tadeja Bajt Leban, Mirjam Ropret, Polonca Finšgar, Matjaž
Atmospheric pollutants in the air form acid rain which interacts with bronze surfaces exposed in urban outdoor environment. In this study, different types of patinas on bronze were investigated during and after 9 years of exposure to urban environment in moderately polluted continental city. Natural bronze patina and artificial brown sulphide, gree...
Vračar, Petar
Koritnik, Barbara
Slovstvena folklora je za vsak narod pomembna, saj predstavlja njegov spomin / če človek tega spomina ne zapiše ter objavi, je za prihodnje rodove tako, kot da ga ni bilo. Naša prihodnost so mlajše generacije, ki jim moramo privzgojiti potrebo po ohranjanju ter prenašanju izročila potomcem, kar je v urbanem okolju nekoliko težje. Zato si slovstvena...
Alivio, Mark Bryan Bezak, Nejc Mikoš, Matjaž
Raindrop impact on bare soils is the initial phase of rainfall-induced soil erosion which is altered under any type of vegetation due to the interactions of rainfall with the canopies. This study examines the drop size distribution (DSD) and kinetic energy (KE) of raindrops above and below the birch tree (Betula pendula Roth.) canopy in a research ...
Nastran, Mojca Pintar, Marina Železnikar, Špela Cvejić, Rozalija
The perception of linkages between ecosystem services (ES) and the urban green infrastructure (UGI) is evaluated, and their impact on human well-being (WB) is defined. Using a theoretical approach, the UGI’s specific contribution to WB is calculated as the sum of the products of (a) the number of perceived ES per ES group and the WB weight factor d...
Marquard, Elisabeth Bartke, Stephan Gifreu i Font, Judith Humer, Alois Jonkman, Arend Jürgenson, Evelin Marot, Naja Poelmans, Lien Repe, Blaž Rybski, Robert
Rapid expansion of settlements and related infrastructures is a global trend that comes with severe environmental, economic, and social costs. Steering urbanization toward well-balanced compactness is thus acknowledged as an important strategic orientation in UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG-11) via the SDG-indicator “Ratio of land consumpti...
Monaco, Federica Zasada, Ingo Wascher, Dirk M. Glavan, Matjaž Pintar, Marina Schmutz, Ulrich Mazzocchi, Chiara Corsi, Stefano Sali, Guido
In the wider debate on urban resilience and metabolism, food-related aspects have gained increasing importance. At the same time, urban agro-food systems in city regions are facing major challenges with regard to often limited domestic supplies, resource-intensive producer–consumer relationships, and the competition for low-price products via globa...
Hočevar, Matej
Celestina, Ana
Drame, Maja
Imeti vir socialne opore zlasti v prelomnih trenutkih v življenju, je osrednjega pomena za kvalitetno življenje posameznika. Oblike socialne opore, ki jo nudijo družina, prijatelji, verske skupnosti, sodelavci in drugi, so pomembni dejavniki za spopadanja s situacijami v življenju in sposobnost dobrega zdravja. V diplomskem delu se bom osredotočila...