Suárez Blanco, Macarena
Due to its economic importance in Uruguay, tourism should be a sustainable activity for the profitability of companies and ecology and culture; even from the perspective of the green economy, it should also be so for society in general and the community. Today, the tourist demands quality proposals, which means that in addition to providing accommo...
Barros Pinto, Freddy Alejandro
This research conducted a qualitative analysis on the scope of sustainable tourism caused by technical and financial support of international cooperation and NGOs projects in two rural communities in Ecuador: the community of Yunguilla and the community of Oyacachi. It was carried out a documentary compilation and content analysis of the technical ...
Haro Aragú, Marina García Mestanza, Josefa
El turisme s’ha convertit en un element clau en la planificació urbana, el desenvolupament i les evolucions socioculturals de moltes ciutats. L’objectiu d’aquesta investigació és analitzar l’estat de la qüestió de la metamorfosi esdevinguda en el turisme i les transformacions urbanes de les ciutats turístiques en el context de la COVID-19, així com...
Herrera Pérez, Ariana Paola
Purpose: The dissemination of sustainable tourism and the travel market in general has benefited from the various social platforms. The User-Generated Content has become the most efficient mechanism for transmitting experiences of the destinations they visit. Therefore, the objective of this research is focused on analyzing and identifying the infl...
Loor Bravo, Lucía Plaza Macías, Nila Medina Valdés, Zoe
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected tourism activity; the economic and social consequences for the countries dependent on this sector are serious. In Ecuador tourism is important for development; the government has proposed to reactivate it by promoting national tourism. This article aims to reflect on the challenges of tourism activit...
Escudero Gómez, Luis Alfonso
Tourism was a constantly growing industry until the halt brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. In cities, its negative impact was increasing, with significant cases of overcrowding. COVID-19 has emerged as an exceptional disruptive stage, yet it is also an opportunity to abandon the rush towards unsustainability. This study is a critical analysis...
RESUMEN: El desarrollo sostenible y su influencia en la práctica turística dependen en gran medida de las decisiones del turista y su comportamiento, el cual se puede incentivar a través de herramientas de marketing. Este artículo tiene el propósito de profundizar en la conceptualización de algunas aproximaciones y vertientes del marketing que pers...
Crespi-Vallbona, Montserrat
El auge del fenómeno turístico en la ciudad de Barcelona tiene su impulso en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992. En ese momento, se sitúa en el mapa de los visitantes potenciales como destino de interés, y la cifra de turistas internacionales se incrementa año tras año. Tal volumen de población temporal deviene también una prioridad para la administració...
Mora Méndez, Franklin Marcelo García Castro, Segundo Ronal Chiriboga Cisneros, Edison
Sun and beach tourism continue to be of great worldwide importance as a motivator of tourist trips. The Ecuadorian Pacific coastal zone has a diversity of beaches with natural and cultural resources that motivates tourists. The increase in visitors, added to the saturation of tourist services and other components of the tourism system, can cause se...
García Reinoso, Nelson Quintero Ichazo, Yomara Quintero Ichazo, Yosnel
In Trinidad, as in a few other places in Cuba, there are physical, natural, historical and cultural elements which are ideal for the development of multiple modalities of tourism. Advances in the domestic and foreign policy of Cuba have driven the empowerment of small private companies and the opening of the real estate market, which, while generat...