Carlisle, Sheena Ivanov, Stanislav H. Espeso Molinero, María Pilar
The research presents the results of a quantitative survey of senior managers’ evaluation of proficiency of employees’ social skills completed in 2019 within the framework of the Next Tourism Generation Alliance, a European Commission funded project. The current and future levels of proficiency, social skills gaps and training are assessed. The sam...
Núñez Tabales, Julia Margarita Rey Carmona, Francisco José Durán Román, José Luis Pulido Fernández, Juan Ignacio
The success or failure of the tourism development of a certain destination is related to the residents’ support for its sustainability. The objective of the study is to determine the perception of residents of the city of Córdoba (Spain) regarding support for tourism in a pandemic context, as well as to examine which sociodemographic factors are de...
Fuentes Pérez, Eliska Núñez Torres, Sandra Hipatia Mena Freire, Julia Andrea
Throughout history, the railway has been essential for the socioeconomic devel-opment of the city of Ambato. In recent years, efforts have been made to boost the use of the train for touristic purposes, however, this project only lasted until 2020, in which the operation of rail transport was closed along the whole country. At that moment, the gree...
Calderón Vázquez, Francisco José Ruiz Romero de la Cruz, Elena María Cruz Ruiz, Elena Zamarreño Aramendia, Gorka
Resumen: Las islas Chafarinas es uno de los enclaves españoles situado en el norte de África, constituye la única frontera de la Unión Europea en la zona. Es un espacio que goza de un medio natural de gran valor ecológico. La investigación realiza un recorrido histórico y analiza los elementos que conforman su problemática hasta la segunda década d...
Mendoza Mendoza, Blanca Villacreses Viteri, Juan Vera Vera, José Rengel Vega, Paola
Sustainable tourism has become a paradigm for the development of a community at a global scale. For this reason, the objective of this work was to build strategies for the sustainable management of tourism activities in the Manglar Route located in the Costa Rica community in Ecuador. First, a diagnosis was carried out to analyze the current situat...
Morales, Carlos Vargas Prieto, Amanda Lafosse, Hadrien
Given the potential of tourism in Colombia, together with the necessity to make it more adaptable, inclusive, and sustainable before the crisis, it is necessary to bring forward a new conceptualization prioritizing alternative environmental and sociocultural values. The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework presenting the rela...
Núñez Torres, Sandra Hipatia Fuentes Pérez, Eliska Álvarez Lizano, Iván Patricio Balseca Clavijo, Claudia
Sustainable tourism is aimed at conserving the natural and cultural capital of the communities and at the same time forging income for the locality. To generate sustainable tourism it is necessary to understand the needs of the social group involved. In this respect, the social function of design entails satisfying individual and collective human n...
Córcoles Muñoz, Mateo Manuel
Due to the current importance of sustainability, new models of sustainable tourism are indemand. This paper presents a theoretical model that analyzes the role of tourism destinationsand clusters as sustainable tourism ecosystems. It is an approach to the concept and structuralfunctional and competitive characteristics of destinations and tourism c...
Soria-Díaz, H. F. Graça, P. M. L de A. Soria Solano, B.
Resumen Evaluar la capacidad de carga en los atractivos turísticos es fundamental para medir y monitorear el impacto del flujo de usuarios en los atractivos de uso público y privado, especialmente en áreas protegidas. El turismo convencional, sin una planificación adecuada en la región amazónica, puede promover la degradación ambiental en los sende...
Núñez, Sandra Fuentes Pérez, Eliska Freire Valdiviezo, Paulo Balseca Clavijo, Claudia
La presente investigación se fundamenta en el enfoque social del diseño, mediante la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas individuales y colectivas, además como principal actor en la mediación del desarrollo económico, social y sostenible de la comunidad. Se pretende analizar las diferentes posturas teóricas que sustentan la construcción de una ...