Sudarmanto, Eko Raharjo, Bambang Budi Kristiyanto, Agus Sulaiman, Sulaiman Setyawati, Heny Priyono, Bambang Jariono, Gatot
The study purpose: The project's goal is to develop sustainable tourism destinations in Kemuning Village by reviewing the literature on sports tourismMaterials and methods: An extensive literature review was carried out. Articles from 2015 to 2024 covered ways to enhance sustainable tourism by fostering the growth of sports tourism. For electronic ...
Ballester, Patrice
Pour Barcelone, entre 1988 et 2014, les statistiques officielles de l’office de tourisme enregistrent un passage de 2,5 millions à 15 millions de visiteurs internationaux, soit une multiplication par 7 de touristes. Le rythme régulier de la croissance continue du tourisme international à l’échelle mondiale se répercute dans le premier bassin touris...
Rico Carrillo, Roberto Cardona Castaño, Juan Rosas Acevedo, Ana Yolanda
The objective was to analyze the opportunity of implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Declaration from shared interests as a strategy for the maintenance of actions that help solve specific problems in an organized system of the agents involved, to prevent damage to the environment and promote socio-environmental responsibility in t...
Peraza Durán, Claudia Martínez Cordero, Francisco Javier Pérez Vázquez, Arturo
Objective: Characterize the world scientific literature of the last decade (2012-2022) on the assessment of tourism potential and analyze the methodologies used in such studies. Methodology: A Quantitative Systematic Literature Review (SQLR) was carried out, which, through the stages of identification, review and filtering and selection and analysi...
Ojeda Portugal, James Josmell Alarcon Vilca, Cecilia Alejandra Diaz Santivanez, Jeniffer Stephanie Maquera Yucra, Diana Soledad Gonzales Veliz, Raul Mauro
This study examined the impact of environmental education on sustainable tourism. A causal and correlational investigation was carried out of a non-experimental and transversal nature, in which 1,000 tourists who visited the city of Arequipa-Peru participated. These were intentionally selected to represent a specific sample. Two expert-validated su...
Pereira da Silva, Lívia Fernanda Luiz Emmendoerfer, Magnus Chagas de Almeida, Thiago Schneiderl, Débora
Community-Based and Solidarity Tourism (TBCS) occurs through community self-management, aiming to collectively create and develop visiting activities that value local resources. Despite these characteristics of using community creativity to strengthen its economic potential, TBCS has been little associated with the concept of Creative Economy (EC) ...
Castillo Galeano, Angélica Rosio Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo Gómez Aguilar, Dora Luz Castro Garzón, Hernando
Background: Tropical rivers harbor unparalleled biodiversity, serving as home to a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial species. However, these vital basins are under increasing threat due to deforestation, pollution, and overexploitation of resources. Objective: To share the theme of sustainable tourism in high mountain tropical rivers, focusin...
Guamán Condoy, Erich Gonzalo Monar Monar, Joffre Stalin Guapi Guamán, Fausto Iván Brito Garzón, Mónica Elina Chacha Bolaños, Alexandra Nataly
Este estudio presenta el diseño de un producto turístico sostenible denominado "Experiencia SelvaViva: Ecoaventura en el Corazón del Yasuní". Su objetivo es proporcionar a los viajeros una experiencia única en la selva amazónica ecuatoriana, centrándose en la inmersión en la naturaleza, la interacción cultural y la conservación ambiental. Se llevan...
Vera Fernández, Jorge Luis Castillo Merino, Jesenia Margoth Fernández Sánchez, Lineth del Rocío
Bird biodiversity is crucial not only for the balance of ecosystems, but also for human health, sustainable economic development and nature conservation. Bird tourism in the Ecuadorian Amazon constitutes a new type of tourism that is constantly evolving. The purpose of this research is to assess ornithological biodiversity for the development of bi...
Castro Iturralde, Galo Gabriel Flores Sarmiento, Roxana Vanessa Neira Reyes, Ivan
Este artículo presenta un diagnóstico del Centro de Turismo Comunitario Isla Santay, ubicada en la provincia de Guayas, Ecuador, con el objetivo de evaluar su situación actual como destino turístico y proponer estrategias para su revitalización. Para ello, se empleó un enfoque mixto que combinó la observación estructurada, entrevistas y encuestas. ...