Jácome Pilco, Carlos Rodrigo Carrillo Davila, Jonathan David Taco Amangandi, Nataly Mishelle Pasto Tandapilco, Marylin Veronica
Los residuos agrícolas se depositan sobre el suelo cumpliendo el sigueiente ciclo: primero descomposición, segunda humificación y por último la mineralización del humus característico de la evolución de la materia orgánica del suelo En los ecosistemas naturales los residuos suelen proceder de la vegetación herbácea, arbustivo, trepadora y arbórea, ...
Morandeira Arca, Jon Etxezarreta Etxarri, Enekoitz Egia, Andoni
Public policies to promote the social economy (Morandeira, 2013) have been progressively reformulated in the Basque Country over the last five years, moving from a centralized model based on direct economic aid to one that seeks to incorporate a more holistic, ecosystemic and local approach. In the path of the main studies that collect these regula...
Jiménez Jaimes, Daniel Antonio
This article is presented as an educational reflection on the prevailing need to initiate processes of pedagogical transformation that results in quality education, in accordance with the needs of the national context of the moment. The theme of transformation and the importance of proactive reflection from the eco-system of the teacher and its mul...
Bordanoba Gallego, Lidia Serradell Pumareda, Olga Morlà Folch, Teresa Ruiz Eugenio, Laura Pulido, Cristina
Scientific literature has clarified that the contexts of more intense power relations favor sexual harassment and impunity. This article presents the results of a research that has analyzed a legislation aimed at combating sexual harassment that preceded six months earlier the selection and evaluation of faculty. The communicative research methodol...
Pacheco Méndez, Teresa
Over the last few years, the controversial issue of crisis and change in societies and social institutions has resurfaced in the sociological debate. The technological and epidemiological irruption in social life has given rise to the presence of non-confluent points of view among those who, on the one hand, are attached to the claim of maintaining...
Liendo Villena, Tamara Graciela
En una etapa de desarrollo a grandes escalas de las nuevas tecnologías denominadas de información y comunicación, en medio del auge de las redes sociales, los medios masivos globalizados por el internet, surge el debate de la construcción epistemológica de la comunicación decolonial. Sin embargo, no toda propuesta decolonial significa por si misma ...
Lopes, Luana Monique Delgado Fadel, Luciane Maria
This work analyzes the game Life is Strange, looking for elements of discussion about the game's poetics and design and how they contribute to immersion, agency and transformation according to the user's experience. The method used was close reading and the game was observed under the analytical lens of the twelve dimensions of analysis of interact...
Mejía González, Loreley Patricia Liñan Cuello, Yuly Ines Vidal, Jaidith Eneth
Starting from the situational documentary hermeneutics, this article reflexively analyzes the dynamics of transformation of higher education in Latin America under an approach based on teacher training towards digital skills, as a first step that seeks to generate a significant contribution from the university for the reinvention of the society, as...
Blanco Arroyo, María Antonia
Resumen Este artículo se plantea como un análisis conceptual y artístico de la fotografía de paisaje en la era del Antropoceno; se concibe la imagen como un palimpsesto del cual se extraen múltiples capas de significado para impulsar una educación sostenible y concientizar sobre nuestra relación con el medio. El discurso se estructura en cuatro par...
Martín González, Miguel Ángel
The Dance of the Dwarves was transformed into its current version in 1905, when the twopart format was created and the so-called transformation began to take place inside a booth out of public view. That year, the costumes were chosen, as well as the performance with old men, which was carried out with choirs and lyrics by Domingo Carmona Pérez, an...