Jeldes Cruzat, Alejandro
Complex thinking is presented as a new paradigm from which to observe reality and produce new knowledge without the excessive specialization that science installed in modernity. This is associated with a new way of thinking and reasoning about the phenomena that we observe in reality, that is, a new rationality. This article aims to show the need f...
Salinas Gaona, Susana Elizabeth Méndez Reyes, Johan
Education in our societies continues to be anchored in a curriculum based on the paradigm of modern rationality that not only fragments knowledge but also maintains a linear relationship between the educator and the learner in its pedagogical conceptions, therefore, it is urgent to devise a pedagogy to develop a new dialogical rationality through i...
García López, Ana
The COVID-19 crisis of 2020 has positioned us squarely in front of what was already argued as a paradigm shift in the craft sector that is forced to identify those devel-opment opportunities that were already pending to be resolved. Research from the uni-versity is key to push the craft to the forefront, connecting in a glocal way the identity of c...
Rodríguez, Milagros Elena
Rhizomatic research from deconstruction as a transmethod supports transdisciplinarity as a transversal axis of university teaching, a counter-resistance transmethodological construct, as a complex research objective. It is deconstructed by insubordinating the disciplines in universities to question the individual object in teaching-research and, th...
Fragoso, Olivia
The contingency caused by the COVID 19 pandemic led many educational institutions around the world to the urgency of implementing non-face-to-face teaching practices. Multiple factors, both internal and external, intervene in this process, which is why aspects such as time are problematic for students and teachers. Beyond the undeniable tragedy of ...
Rodas Quintero, Catalina Cortés Buitrago, Laura Juliana Cortés Osma, Lina Gabriela Rodrìguez Rojas, Daniela
In this article, we reflect on inherited hierarchies from modernity/coloniality, as conceptual axes allowing to argue in favor of the transdisciplinarity in social sciences. This approach overcomes dichotomous perspectives and achieves more holistic readings of our reality, aiming at facing societal challenges brought by the pandemic. Drawing on a ...
Correa Mosquera, Deicy Carlachiani, Camila
The purpose of this paper is to present some approaches to the concepts of transdisciplinarity and transversality, which can be considered underlying principles of the construction of training models oriented to the production of new pedagogical practices in higher education that transcend current ways of teaching, which are generally based on aggr...
Estrada García, Alex
El artículo describe el proceso de innovación epistemológica y metodológica en la creación del programa de Maestría en Pedagogía de las Ciencias Experimentales, mención Química y Biología, tiene como fundamentos teóricos la transdisciplinariedad y el pensamiento complejo. La propuesta responde a múltiples problemas que presenta la enseñanza de la ...
Pérez Fuentes, Gisela María
En otras ocasiones se ha planteado por expertos en la investigación jurídica tanto nacionales como extranjeros, que el modelo cartesiano, descriptivo y de poca eficacia debe dar paso a nuevas formas de investigación así que este no es el aporte de nuestro trabajo pues no sería novedoso. En el presente artículo, se trabaja intensamente en el cambio ...
Becher, Yussef
The purpose of the article is to offer a conceptual proposal on the law. An epistemological trajectory theory is used, that leads to observing reality from its complexity. Likewise, it entails certain assumptions at the time of the construction of science, in particular, it’s inter or transdisciplinarity. The legal discipline has historically been ...