van Dam, R.C.J.Madzora, B.Mol, Nijs, W.C.M.
The objective of this research is: investigate the occurrence of selected plant toxins in herbal products (food and food supplements) available on the Dutch market using a multi-plant toxin method based on LC-MS/MS.
In a microbial fuel cell bacteria produce electricity. When water with a constant quality is lead passed the bacteria, a constant current will be measured. When toxic components enter the cell with the water, the bacteria are affected and this will show as a decrease in current. In this way a microbial fuel cell can act as a sensor for toxic compon...
De nVWA en het RIVM doen al jaren onderzoek naar residuen van giftige stoffen op groenten en fruit. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat met name peuters en baby’s meer groenten en fruit binnenkrijgen dan eerder werd gedacht. Met meer groenten en fruit zouden ze ook meer residuen binnenkrijgen. Ernst Woltering van Wageningen Universiteit plaatst het één en and...
Unter dem Begriff Bioremediation versteht man Verfahren zur biologischen Schadstoffeliminierung. Entsprechende Verfahren zielen im Grundsatz darauf ab vorhandene Schadstoffkontaminationen möglichst vollständig abzubauen indem diese durch Mikroorganismen verstoffwechselt werden. Die Nutzung des umfangreichen metabolischen Potenzials des Mikrokosmos ...
Blankvoorn Nieuwe Merwede (Roach, Rutilus rultilus) has been tested as a reference material for the components HCBD and HCB for biota monitoring according to the Water Framework Directive. Both components in the blankvoorn are present at moderate levels (overall average levels of respectively HCBD 1.6 μg/kg and HCB 6.2 μg/kg). These concentrations ...
The title may raise questions about definitions of the terms used. The more obvious ones are: 1) What is transfer? 2) How to define toxic; and 3) How to define feed or food. A more underlying question is how to measure the substances we are interested in. The (often) chemical methods used, are not always sensitive or specific enough. Sometimes, bio...
Vissen vormen vaak een vergaarbak van allerlei verontreinigingen in het milieu. Uitleg over de belangrijkste groepen verontreiniging, de normstelling voor visserijproducten m.b.t. deze stoffen (WHO-richtwaarden voor de aanvaardbare dagelijkse inname; Warenwet), en resultaten van onderzoek van het RIVO naar gehalten aan PCBs en dioxine in visserijpr...
Our interpretation is that the reduced runoff fluxes (water and mass) of the 20 ha upstream are combined with the unchanged runoff water fluxes of the remaining 80 ha upstream catchment. This implies that the reduction factor on exposure concentrations in FOCUS streams of Step 4 FOCUS scenarios calculations compared to those of Step 3 calculations ...
Poster presentation. In the FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios, an important entry route for plant protection products (PPP) into the water course is run-off from the adjacent field. Not much is known on the effect of run-off on the concentration in the FOCUS stream