Bouhlel, JiheneRatel, JérémyAbou El Karam, SaidBaeza, ElisabethJondreville, CatherineRutledge, Douglas N.Engel, Erwan
Use of liver volatile compounds as markers of animal exposure to toxic contaminants. 40. International Symposium of Capilary Chromatography / 13th International GCxGC Symposium
Schneider, Ana Paula HelferBrixner, BetinaKoch, Caroline LauMarth, Marla PedrosoFreitas, Alice PereiraGarske, Cristiane Carla DresslerGiehl, Vanessa Monigueli
Aims: To assess the methods used in suicide attempts and sociodemographic characteristics of suicidal patients treated at the emergency department of a teaching hospital.Methods: Cross-sectional retrospective study, with active search for electronic medical records of patients treated at the emergency department of a public teaching hospital in the...
Wild caught fish, especially marine fish, can contain high levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In the Netherlands, especially eel from the main rivers have high POP levels. This led to a ban in 2011 on eel fishing due to health concerns. Many of the marine POPs have been related to adverse health effects such as endocrine disruption, ne...
van den Heuvel-Greve, M.J.Kwadijk, C.J.A.F.Kotterman, M.J.J.
Nederland heeft ten aanzien van de bruinvis een beschermingsplicht onder de Natuurbeschermingswet 1998. Om deze plicht goed te kunnen invullen is in 2011 het Bruinvisbeschermingsplan opgesteld. Dit beschermingsplan laat een aantal kennisleemten zien, o.a. ten aanzien van de rol die verontreinigingen spelen in de sterfte onder bruinvissen. In de afg...
This thesis focuses on a modern analytical method, proteomics, to investigate its use in the field of toxicological research. Proteomics is a high resolution method which separates all proteins present in a sample at a clearly defined state and compares this pattern to another one, under slightly different conditions (e.g. after exposure to a chemi...
Improvement of risk assessment by integrating toxicological and epidemiological approaches: the case of isoflavones PhD-thesis Mohammed Ariful Islam This thesis describes the results of a research project that aimed at the improvement of the risk/benefit assessment of soy isoflavones (SIF) by combining toxicological and epidemiological methods. The...