Dolenc, Eva
Uvod: Zastrupitev je klinično stanje, ki se pojavi, ko je človeško telo izpostavljeno strupenim snovem, kar posledično povzroči okvaro organizma. Najpogosteje se zastrupimo s snovmi, ki so pogosto prisotne v vsakdanjem življenju, to so: alkohol, čistila, zdravila, rastline in podobno. Mnogokrat je ravno laična prva pomoč najpomembnejša, saj lahko s...
von Fabeck, Katharina Boulamery, Audrey Schmitt, Corinne Glaizal, Mathieu de Haro, Luc Simon, Nicolas
Background: Although poisonings due to a toxic substance being decanted into a secondary container are often reported to poison centers, we were unable to locate prior European data about their circumstances, incidence and consequences. We sought to describe the circumstances and outcomes of this behavior.Materials and method: We conducted a prospe...
Hazif-Thomas, Cyril
La question a été posée, à l’occasion de l’arrêt de la Cour de cassation du 14 avril 2021, de savoir si la réponse judiciaire relève d’une lecture trop « lâche » de l’irresponsabilité pénale, le texte actuel s’exposant à exclure automatiquement de la responsabilité pénale les personnes ayant consommé volontairement des toxiques. Le jugement rendu r...
Peterle, Špela
V naravi raste veliko rastlin, ki so strupene za konje. Konji se jim navadno izogibajo, včasih pa jim nagon zataji in pride do zastrupitve. To se najpogosteje zgodi zaradi pomanjkanja ustrezne krme na pašniku ali kontaminacije krme s strupenimi rastlinami. Na kakovost krme vpliva zlasti botanična sestava travne ruše. Iz vidika botaničnih skupin ras...
Charitos, Ioannis Alexandros Topi, Skender Gagliano-Candela, Roberto De Nitto, Emanuele Polimeno, Lorenzo Montagnani, Monica Santacroce, Luigi
Published in
Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets
Bisphenol A (BPA), an important industrial material widely applied in daily products, is considered an endocrine-disrupting chemical that may adversely affect humans. Growing evidence has shown that intestinal bacterial alterations caused by BPA exposure play an important role in several local and systemic diseases. Finding evidence that BPA-induce...
Gamarra Amaya, Laura Cecilia Woolcott, Olenka
In Colombia, Law 1968 of 2019 banned the use of asbestos in the national territory. This legal breakthrough was years in the making. However, the allocation of liability against those who exposed others to asbestos, and the assessment of damages for plaintiffs who suffered asbestos related injuries is not addressed in the law. This research paper i...
Hu, Yue Tao, Weiwei
Published in
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is linked to several pathologies. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown is considered to be one of the initial changes. Further, the microenvironmental alteration following TBI-induced BBB breakdown can be multi-scaled, constant, and dramatic. The microenvironmental variations after disruption of BBB includes several ...
Nyachoti, S. Godebo, T. R. Okwori, O. F. Jeuland, M. A. Manthrithilake, Herath
Exposure to metals has been hypothesized as possible cause of chronic kidney disease of unknown cause (CKDu) in Sri Lanka; however, evidence is inconclusive. We measured the concentrations of nephrotoxic metals (As, Pb, and Cd), as well as Se in rice (a staple grain in Sri Lanka) and other grains consumed in CKDu endemic and non-endemic regions usi...
mahdi, mohammad
The fast detection of trace amounts of hazardous contaminations can prevent serious damage to the environment. Paper-based sensors offer a new perspective on the world of analytical methods, overcoming previous limitations by fabricating a simple device with valuable benefits such as flexibility, biocompatibility, disposability, biodegradability, e...
Abo-Neima, Sahar E Motaweh, Hussein A Elsehly, Emad M
Published in
IET nanobiotechnology
Carbon nanotubes represent one of the best examples of novel nanostructures, exhibit a range of extraordinary physical properties, strong antimicrobial activity and can pierce bacterial cell walls. This investigation handles the antimicrobial activity of functionalised multiwall carbon nanotubes (F-MWNTs) as an alternative antimicrobial material co...