Faozi, Hassan
This communication suggests exploring the notion of heritage and specifying its role as territorial resource through the example of the hydraulic heritage, which can be a vector of territorial development, especially that in upstream Souss the tourism is under-developed despite of the presence of an important patrimonial potential. More exactly, th...
Vásconez, Javier
This article is a reflection on corporal movement and affectivities in the city of Quito, through a deep observation and a long reflection on these issues from the perspective of parkour, a motor practice dedicated to transit urban spaces in the most fluid and effective way possible, using only the body. Through the experience of learning and pract...
Ruano Jiménez, Alba Jakeline
This article contributes to the recognition and analysis of the experience of social mobilization for peace in Co- lombia, taking as a case study the experience of mobilization in Nariño, Colombia. The review of archival infor- mation and documents from institutions and social organizations identifies particularities of the experience of social mob...
Montalvo Cepeda, María
This work identifies and leads to reflection from a local perspective on issues related to education, which are not always approached from a macro and national perspective. It is based on the practical exercise of managing education from a specific territory over a period of 13 months, in which, through observation -a transversal methodological axi...
Useche Aldana, Óscar Naranjo, Fanny
Colombia has suffered a long armed conflict whose deadly and devastating consequences have disproportionally affected the most vulnerable population. The most affected have been women, who have deployed their strength to work toward the construction of peace and coexistence. War has shaped the bioeconomic mode of power over life and, with its extra...
Impemba, Marcelo Horacio Maragliano, María Graciela
The topics expressed in this work are the result of different research and university extension projects that have addressed tourism development and its socio-cultural and economic impact on Mapuche communities in the Andean-Patagonian region of the southwest of the Argentine province of Neuquén. Addressing spatially and historically contextualized...
bianchetti, c. kercuku, a. soy, e. llevat
Kropff, Laura
The research inquiry on young indigenous mobility offers up for discussion three theoretical dimensions: the relation between space and social practice; the construction of aboriginality in different contexts; and age as a category that structures social life. Taking into consideration different situations that involve young mapuche from the provin...
Ruperti León, Leo
The objective set out in this research was to make a theoretical review on territorial planning and tourism, this to understand the link between these two elements, for the fulfillment of this objective a documentary methodology was used with a design that allowed structuring the information collected through a thematic analysis, taking as a refere...
Hernández Delgado, Esperanza Mouly, Cécile
This article examines the Yaqui people’s resistance against state and private sector actors to protect its water resources in northern Mexico. On the basis of in situ observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis, we argue that the Yaqui moved from a resistance with resort to violence to a nonviolent one for pragmatic reasons, af...