kato, maki
Recently, study abroad and elective programs have been facilitated via university partnerships based on student-exchange agreements. This study examined international medical student exchange agreements, focusing on reciprocity and stratification in the Japanese context. An empirical analysis was conducted using 581 agreements involving student exc...
Aldén-Joyce, Tara Mattson, Janet Scheers-Andersson, Elina Kidayi, Paulo Rogathi, Jane Cadstedt, Jenny Björling, Gunilla
Published in
SAGE Open Nursing
Introduction Needs within healthcare are changing and nurses require new skills and knowledge in global nursing. Student exchange programs in global contexts provide an opportunity to develop the necessary skills. Objective The aim of this study was to describe Tanzanian nursing students’ experiences of student exchange in Sweden. Methods A qualita...
Hinterholz, Marcos de Freitas Ermel, Tatiane
This paper discusses university student housing from the standpoint of the history of education and within the Ibero-American context in the 20th century. It encompasses the cases of Brazil, Spain and Portugal, seeking to understand the genesis, organization models and funding of these collective housing spaces. We have also collected, from the afo...
castro, catarina f. barbosa, manuel r.
Students are formal learners seeking documented and recognized tertiary education. Student mobility in higher education can be inward (into a country) or outward (out of a country). Both types of mobility are educational processes offering different experiences and resulting in different outcomes. At least half of MIEM (Integrated Mechanical Engine...
Makarova, Elena Aleksandrovna Makarova, Elena Lvovna Egorova, Irina A.
Since the beginning of XXI century higher education internationalization trend has been intensifying around the world. The goal of the research is to study managing international education characteristics to promote educational services export. Levels of interconnection and interdependence between economic agents around the world are increasing; tr...
Suharti, Lieli Handoko, Yohanes Andreanto Huruta, Andrian Dolfriandra
Purpose: As the globalization has changed the working environment, organizations need more adaptable individuals who have the abilities to work effectively, deal with unpredictable work situations, and adapt to diverse social contexts. Individuals’ international experience such as being enrolled in a study exchange program has been extensively exam...
Brisbois, Maryellen D Pereira, Helder Rocha
Published in
Education for health (Abingdon, England)
A growing diversity of cultures globally has intensified the need to educate health professionals to deliver safe, effective, and culturally appropriate care. Collaboration among global partners and development of cultural competence in nursing students in distant communities is one pedagogy to address competencies. Universities in the United State...
Vine-Jara, Ana Enriqueta Sáez Carrillo, Katia lorena
In the Spanish-speaking field, there is no compulsory certification by universities that certifies and requires a certain level of Spanish to university exchange students. However, there is a need to know the level of Spanish of these foreign students and how the existing tests has been validated in this context. This quantitative study shows the r...
Košak, Julija
Koordinacija sistemov socialne varnosti omogoča študentom na izmenjavi, da so glede uresničevanja pravice do socialne varnosti, če je to potrebno, izenačeni s študenti države gostiteljice. Na področju obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja to pomeni, da lahko v tujini uveljavljajo pravico do nujne oziroma potrebne zdravstvene pomoči v enakem obsegu in...
Machart, Regis Lim, Sep Neo Yeow, E-Lynn Chin, Sin Zi
Published in
Frontiers of Education in China
Abstract Using a liquid approach, the authors analyze the intercultural discourse of Taiwanese students who had taken part in a short term exchange program with a Malaysian university. The four participants were graduating in Mandarin Chinese in their home institution and were following a Chinese program in multilingual Malaysia. Data were collecte...