Can the state host the new ontology of the Commons?
sponsorship: FWO|G0A3521N / status: Published
sponsorship: FWO|G0A3521N / status: Published
Ibn Khaldoun dans les premières sociologies allemandes [fr] Résumés English Français In the course of recent debates, Ibn Khaldun has been (re-)claimed not as a precursor, but as one of the "founding fathers" of sociology. This entails the suspicion that Ibn Khaldun's legacy, especially his Muqaddima as an important reference in the foundational ph...
Rental housing tenants in Sweden and Europe are increasingly seeing their homes subsumed to market pressures. This thesis provides empirical and conceptual insights into the processes by which market and financial practices and logics shape the housing sector, through a critical analysis of rental housing in Malmö, Sweden. The aim of the thesis is ...
Rental housing tenants in Sweden and Europe are increasingly seeing their homes subsumed to market pressures. This thesis provides empirical and conceptual insights into the processes by which market and financial practices and logics shape the housing sector, through a critical analysis of rental housing in Malmö, Sweden. The aim of the thesis is ...
This article aims to study the manifestation of polyarchies within the Colombian State from the perspective of postmodern state theory and its relationship with how it can be applied in the regulation of social protest. / El presente artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar la manifestación de las poliarquías al interior del Estado colombiano desde la...
The role of philanthropy in biodiversity conservation is rapidly changing. As philanthropic foundations and wealthy donors commit massive sums to help ‘save the planet,’ they are fueling a growing discourse that coupling large-scale conservation with large-scale giving is indispensable to solving the biodiversity crisis. But is it? What would this ...
L’émergence de la pensée fédéraliste au XVIIe siècle, notamment sous la plume d’Althusius, a amorcé un changement de paradigme au profit du partage de la puissance étatique en plusieurs loci de souveraineté. Puis, la confusion idéologique entre fédération et confédération a entravé la compréhension des normes juridiques de répartition des pouvoirs ...
Published in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie
Die als Erfolgsmodell geltende bayerische Raumplanung wurde in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich geschwächt. Mit der materialistischen Staatstheorie lässt sich dieser Wandel als Folge austeritärer Staatlichkeit fassen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ergründet der Beitrag die Konsequenzen dieser Verschiebung für die Raumordnung. Anhand feststellbarer Prozes...
Published in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie
In Anbetracht der ambivalenten Rolle von städtischen sozialen Bewegungen in Hinblick auf ihr Potenzial, einen grundlegenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel anzustoßen, diskutiert der Beitrag das Verhältnis von wohnungspolitischen Protesten zu staatlichen Institutionen. Angesichts der Rückkehr der Wohnungsfrage ist es städtischen sozialen Bewegungen in de...
This paper uncovers the local state's complex intersections with the market and its multifaceted relations with the public through an in-depth qualitative case study of municipal housing privatization and urban renewal in one of the heartlands of the Swedish welfare state project, Rosengård in Malmö, Sweden. Drawing on the political-economic litera...