Roth, R. S. Waring, J. L.
Published in
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. Section A, Physics and Chemistry
The “low temperature structure type” of Ta2O5 has been found to occur in two distinct forms with the lowest temperature form having a unit cell 14 times the subcell and an intermediate temperature form with a unit cell 11 times the subcell. The two types form intermediate partially ordered mixtures which are apparently in thermal equilibrium at var...
Roth, R. S. Waring, J. L Brower, W. S.
Published in
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. Section A, Physics and Chemistry
The high temperature, apparently tetragonal, polymorph of tantalum pentoxide can be obtained at room temperature by quenching a specimen containing 2–5 mole percent of the following oxides:SnO2, Ga2O3, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, Sc2O3, or MgO. All the x-ray patterns can be indexed on a body centered tetragonal cell with a ≈ 3.830 Å, c ≈ 35.68 Å. However, P2O5, ...
Lehmann, H.-R. Treumann, R.
The importance of hydromagnetic instabilities in collisionless anisotropic plasmas has long been established, especially for cosmic plasmas and solar wind conditions. These instabilities in their simplest version arise from the presence of the anisotropic plasma pressure or, in the picture of the kinetic theory, from the anisotropy of the particle ...
Gutiérrez Alemán, Néstor F. Hertford, R
Julkaisussa selvitetään tutkimustuloksia mm. luonnonväriaineiden säilyvyyden parantamisesta ja käyttötarpeesta maassamme sekä luonnonväriaineiden valmistukseen soveltavien jätteiden määrästä. Myös antosyani- ja punajuurivärien valmistamisen kustannuslaskelmia esitetään. Punajuurivärin säilyvyyttä onnistuttiin huomattavasti parantamaan happamassa ve...
Bornet, J.P.
After a brief historical survey of the evolution of the surgical techniques conceming the rupture of the cruciate ligaments of the knee and a short anatomical recalling, the author makes a study of the kinetics of this joint and of the articular etiopathogeny. In the light of this knowledge, the author describes a new technique: the principle consi...
Barmish, B.Ross Petersen, Ian R. Feuer, Arie
Published in
Mori, T. Noldus, E. Kuwahara, M.
Published in
The results of the team investigations which were carried out by Soviet and Finnish specialists on the consolidation and stabilization of weak water-saturated soils by using preloading, vertical drainage and deep stabilization by lime columns are the basis for the recommendations. The main part of the investigations has been performed in Finland, i...
Loualiche, S. Rojo, P. Guillot, G. Nouailhat, A.
Les expériences ont été faites sur du matériau LEC non intentionnellement dopé. Les irradiations, avec des protons de 100 keV, sont effectuées aux températures 6 K, 77 K, 300 K et les pièges créés étudiés par méthodes capacitives : concentrations, profils et domaines de stabilités ont été déterminés. Les irradiations à 6 K et 77 K donnent les mêmes...