Suding, Katharine N Collins, Courtney G Hallett, Lauren M Larios, Loralee Brigham, Laurel M Dudney, Joan Farrer, Emily C Larson, Julie E Shackelford, Nancy Spasojevic, Marko J
Accompanying the climate crisis is the more enigmatic biodiversity crisis. Rapid reorganization of biodiversity due to global environmental change has defied prediction and tested the basic tenets of conservation and restoration. Conceptual and practical innovation is needed to support decision making in the face of these unprecedented shifts. Crit...
Goodale, Eben Magrath, Robert D
Published in
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Interspecific information flow is known to affect individual fitness, population dynamics and community assembly, but there has been less study of how species diversity affects information flow and thereby ecosystem functioning and services. We address this question by first examining differences among species in the sensitivity, accuracy, transmis...
Quiles, Pablo Barrientos, Rafael
Published in
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Roads have pervasive impacts on wildlife, including habitat loss and fragmentation, road mortality, habitat pollution and increased human use of habitats surrounding them. However, the effects of roads on interspecific interactions are less understood. Here we provide a synthesis of the existing literature on how species interactions may be disrupt...
Alzate, Adriana Hagen, Oskar
Dispersal is a key process in ecology and evolution. While the effects of dispersal on diversity are broadly acknowledged, our understanding of the influence of diversity on dispersal remains limited. This arises from the dynamic, context-dependent, nonlinear and ubiquitous nature of dispersal. Diversity outcomes, such as competition, mutualism, pa...
Semmouri, Ilias Janssen, Colin Asselman, Jana
Macroalgae are a vast source of bioactive metabolites, some of which are produced as a defence against competing and/or fouling species, i.e., allelochemicals. As both the occurrence of allelopathy in seaweed and its underlying mechanisms are understudied, we summarised the current knowledge on this phenomenon, as well as elucidate opportunities an...
Sanders, Dirk Frago, Enric
1. Ecosystem engineering is a ubiquitous process where species influence the physical environment and thereby structure ecological communities. However, there has been little effort to synthesize or predict how ecosystem engineering may impact the structure and stability of interaction networks.2. To assess current scientific understanding of ecosy...
Tommasi, Nicola Biella, Paolo Maggioni, Davide Fallati, Luca Agostinetto, Giulia Labra, Massimo Galli, Paolo Galimberti, Andrea
Published in
Molecular ecology
Habitat fragmentation affects biodiversity, but with unclear effects on pollinators and their interactions with plants in anthropized landscapes. Islands could serve as open air laboratories, suitable to disentangle how land-use alteration impacts pollination ecology. In Maldive islands we investigated how pollinator richness, plant-pollinator inte...
Wetzel, William C. Inouye, Brian D. Hahn, Philip G. Whitehead, Susan R. Underwood, Nora
Plants and herbivores are remarkably variable in space and time, and variability has been considered a defining feature of their interactions. Empirical research, however, has traditionally focused on understanding differences in means and overlooked the theoretically significant ecological and evolutionary roles of variability itself. We review th...
González-Varo, Juan P Albrecht, Jörg Arroyo, Juan M Bueno, Rafael S Burgos, Tamara Escribano-Ávila, Gema Farwig, Nina García, Daniel Illera, Juan C Jordano, Pedro
Published in
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Seed dispersal by frugivores is a fundamental function for plant community dynamics in fragmented landscapes, where forest remnants are typically embedded in a matrix of anthropogenic habitats. Frugivores can mediate both connectivity among forest remnants and plant colonization of the matrix. However, it remains poorly understood how frugivore com...
Candolin, Ulrika Rahman, Tawfiqur
Published in
Journal of fish biology
Aquatic ecosystems are changing at an accelerating rate because of human activities. The changes alter the abundance and distribution of fishes, with potential consequences for ecosystem structure and function. Behavioural responses often underlie these changes in population dynamics, such as altered habitat choice or foraging activity. Here, we pr...