Also published in German: / Solar pumps instead of fossil fuels improve access to irrigation in remote rural areas. But they are also a temptation to consume more groundwater.
Mali is home to 22 million people, 12 million of whom live in rural areas and work mostly in agriculture. Although remarkable progress has been made, food insecurity still affects a large share of the population; during 2019-2021, the prevalence of undernourishment in the population was 10%, and in 2020 26% of children below the age of five were st...
Ghana is home to 32 million people, 13 million of whom live in rural areas and work mostly in agriculture. Although substantial progress has been made, food insecurity still affects a large share of the population; during 2019–2021 more than one third of the population experienced moderate or severe food insecurity, and in 2020 14% of children belo...
Birhanu, B.Z.Sanogo, K.Traore, S.S.Minh, ThaiKizito, Fred
Introduction: In rainfed agricultural systems, sustainable and efficient water management practices are key to improved agricultural productivity and natural resource management. The agricultural system in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) relies heavily on the availability of rainfall. With the erratic and unreliable rainfall pattern associated with poor a...
Most social-ecological landscapes are under threat due to poor resource management compounded by the impacts of climate change. The international Water Management Institute (IWMI) employs an inclusive landscape management approach for scaling innovations to transform food systems in degraded landscapes. This video highlights such innovations being ...