A large part of the young coastal plain consists of heavy clay soils which are inudated for most of the year. This study was primarily conducted to obtain information to be used for new reclamations and improvement of existing polders.In the pedological study emphasis was laid upon the structure, the permeability and the cation exchange complex of ...
In the previous version of the computer program SWATRE calculations of the soil motsture distrihution and the waterbalsnee stoppad when the water table was rising close to the soil surface. This restrietion was caused by the way of computation of the height of the groundwater level. In practice, situalfons may occur in which the groundwater table i...
The transformation and transport processes of nitrogen species in soil is strongly influenced by moisture effects. Therefore a good watermanagement model is a prerequisite for a good nitrogen model
Alhoewel kleigronden vaak gunstige chemische eigenschappen bezitten, geven de fysische eigenschappen vaak aanleiding tot problemen. Met name de lage doorlatendheden en daardoor de lage infiltratiecapaciteit vooral in natte perioden zorgen ervoor dat de gronden vaak moeilijk en laat bewerkbaar zijn, dat er veelvuldig plasvorming optreedt en dat vaak...