Petry, Mirta T. Basso, Laudenir J. Carlesso, Reimar Armoa, Maria S. Henkes, Jonas R.
ABSTRACT Evaluating the impacts of water stress on crop yield allows comparing irrigation management alternatives, aiming to ensure an economic return for the irrigated farms. Thus, the main objectives of this study were to model the soil water balance, deriving the crop coefficients, grain yield prediction, and economic return of soybean grown at ...
Verloop, Koos Bassa, Bas Koster, Dick Jan Verwijs, Ben
Hoofdstuk 2 beschrijft de wijze hoe bij RVO een machtiging toegekend kan worden, een account aangemaakt kan worden in Akkerweb en gegevens van de KringloopWijzer gereed gemaakt kunnen worden voor gebruik in de BedrijfsWaterWijzer. Deze gegevens kunnen in de BedrijfsWaterWijzer geïmporteerd worden. Voor dit hoofdstuk is gebruik gemaakt van een door ...
Nascimento, Francisco Airdesson Lima do Silva, Alisson Jadavi Pereira da Campos, Allan Radax Freitas
ABSTRACT A detailed knowledge of the soil water storage variability in the root zone can promote recommendations regarding the ideal positioning of sensors, as well as make the calculation of soil water balance more precise and accurate. This study aimed to assess soil water storage variability in the melon root zone and indicate – based on spatial...
Zhang, Yu Han, Wenting Niu, Xiaotao Li, Guang
Published in
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
The rapid, accurate, and real-time estimation of crop coefficients at the farm scale is one of the key prerequisites in precision agricultural water management. This study aimed to map the maize crop coefficient ( K c ) with improved accuracy under different levels of deficit irrigation. The proposed method for estimating the K c is based on multis...
Bharati, Luna Bhattarai, Utsav Khadka, Ambika Gurung, Pabitra Neumann, L. E. Penton, D. J. Dhaubanjar, Sanita Nepal, S.
The Koshi Basin, spread across China, Nepal and India, is perceived as having high potential for hydropower and irrigation development, both seen as ways to promote economic development in the region. This paper quantifies and assesses the past and projected future spatial and temporal water balances in the Koshi Basin. Results show that precipitat...
vanella, daniela ramírez-cuesta, juan miguel intrigliolo, diego s. consoli, simona
An adjusted satellite-based model was proposed with the aim of improving spatially distributed evapotranspiration (ET) estimates under plant water stress conditions. Remote sensing data and near surface geophysics information, using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), were used in a revised version of the original dual crop coefficient (Kc) FA...
Silva, Vicente de PR da Sousa, Inajá Francisco de Tavares, Alexandra L Silva, Thieres George F da Silva, Bernardo B da Holanda, Romildo M de Brito, José Ivaldo B de Braga, Célia C Souza, Enio P de Silva, Madson T
ABSTRACT The water scarcity is expected to intensify in the future and irrigation becomes an essential component of crop production, especially in arid and semiarid regions, where the available water resources are limited. Four field experiments were carried out at tropical environment in Brazil in 2013 and 2014, in order to evaluate the effect of ...
Tao, Hsiao-Hang Donough, Christopher Gerendas, Joska Hoffmann, Munir P. Cahyo, Angger Sugianto, Hendra Wandri, Ruli Abdul Rahim, Gatot Fisher, Myles J. Rötter, Reimund P.
Xie, Jun Hong Zhang, Ren Zhi Li, Ling Ling Chai, Qiang Luo, Zhu Zhu Cai, Li Qun Qi, Peng
Published in
Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology
以挖掘黄土高原半干旱区全膜双垄沟播玉米节本增效技术,探讨一膜两年覆盖系统土壤水分平衡为目标,通过大田定位试验,量化研究了一膜两年覆盖条件下,全膜沟垄作(F1M)、全膜平作(F2M)、半膜平作(F3M)和不覆膜平作(F4M,对照)玉米的产量、经济收益、水分利用效率和土壤水分平衡.结果表明: 2年全膜沟垄作、平作的生物产量较对照平均增加32.8%和32.9%,籽粒产量增加60.8%和51.7%,水分利用效率和降水利用效率平均增加59.8%、35.9%和87.6%、64.4%.新覆膜全膜沟垄作、平作属于高产高投模式,其总产值较对照增加51.0%、41.2%,产投比较对照降低15.1%和16.2%;一膜两年覆盖全膜沟垄作、平作属于节本增效型生产模式,其总产值较对照增加40.8%和42.2%,产投比增...
Pakparvar, Mojtaba Hashemi, Hossein Rezaei, Meisam Cornelis, Wim Nekooeian, Gholamali Kowsar, Sayyed Ahang
To assess recharge through floodwater spreading, three wells, approx. 30 m deep, were dug in a 35-year-old basin in southern Iran. Hydraulic parameters of the layers were measured. One well was equipped with pre-calibrated time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors. The soil moisture was measured continuously before and after events. Rainfall, ponding...