Both the ecological and the socio-economic domain are organized across a multitude of scales and levels. Governance encompasses all those structures and activities of social, political and administrative actors that can be seen as purposeful efforts to guide, steer, control, or manage sustainable development or other moral principles like good gove...
Delaney, A.E.Hoefnagel, E.W.J.Bartelings, H.van Oosterhout, J.
This case study about Urk shows which social and economic challenges this traditional fishing community faces due to its specialization on just a few stocks, the increasing independence of a processing sector no longer reliant on it to supply locally caught fish, and culturally preferences in the way of life and ways of doing things, and the additi...
The Milking Drylands research initiative addresses the critical issues of food security, market integration, gender roles and governance matters in a peculiar area of the world, the Somali ecosystem. The research aims at exploring interesting dynamics of ongoing social change, in order to stimulate appropriate understanding of complex pastoral econ...
HIV and AIDS continue to devastate the livelihoods of millions of Africans and represent the major public health challenge in many countries. More people die of AIDS each day than from wars, famine and floods combined, while an orphaned generation of children must be provided for. Yet despite millions of dollars of aid and research, there has previ...
van Eijck, J.A.J.Smeets, E.Romijn, H.A.Balkema, A.J.Jongschaap, R.E.E.
Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) has been promoted as a potential renewable energy source for many of its advantageous properties in comparison to other biomass feedstock. This report summarises the agronomy, socio-economic issues, and ecology facts from literature on Jatropha. Such an overview is essential to formulate recommendations and policy guid...
This thesis deals with the effectiveness and the capability of microfinance institutions in enhancing women’s livelihood and empowerment, and mitigating the effects of HIV and AIDS on affected women and their households in Côte d’Ivoire. This study was carried out within the framework of the AWLAE (African Women Leaders in Agriculture and Environme...
De sociale economie hanteert in ons land hoofdzakelijk het vereniging zonder winstoogmerk statuut (vzw) en bestaat traditioneel ook uit (erkende) coöperatieve vennootschappen. In 1995 werd hier ook de vennootschap met sociaal oogmerk (vso)aan toegevoegd. In dit artikel gaan we op zoek naar de relatieve zwaktes en troeven van deze drie voornaamste j...