The book is an elaborate report on earnings and expenses of labourers on plantations in Java. The purpose of this study, promoted by the government of the former Netherlands East Indies, was to examine how the coolie families lived and to find criteria to assess wages in the particular communities. Various groups of labourers showed a typical spend...
Nota van de Rijksdienst voor het Nationale Plan. De toelichting bevat basisgegevens over: bodemgebruik, waterhuishouding en verzilting, wonen in de Randstad, natuur, landschap en recreatie, verkeer en grondpolitiek. Bevat: Uiterst globale bodemgeschiktheidskaart voor land- en tuinbouw. Voor de provincies: Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland en Utrecht
In 1950 the Welvaartsfonds (The Prosperity Fund) established the Lelydorp Project; a pilot scheme to develop sound fulltime family farms in the Old Coastal Plain. The area was 450,000 ha of sparsely populated rolling sandy ridges covered with tropical rain-forest.Land development required a general survey of natural conditions and indigenous farmin...