Bouchez, Tiphanie Cagnon, Clémence Hamouche, Gouraya Majdoub, Marouan Charlet, Jean Schuers, Matthieu
Abstract Aims To describe the key elements of the interprofessional decision‐making process in health, based on published scientific studies. To describe the authors, reviews and subject matter of those publications. Design Scoping review of the literature. Data Sources MEDLINE, APA Psycinfo OpenGrey, Lissa and Cochrane databases were searched in D...
Poljšak, Martina
V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala, kakšna je javna podoba socialnega dela in socialnih delavk v Republiki Sloveniji. Na začetku sem predstavila definicije socialnega dela ter s katerimi področji in nalogami se ukvarja. V nadaljevanju sem se osredotočila na socialne delavke kot predstavnice stroke. Na kratko sem predstavila izobraževalni sistem soc...
Merlak, Sarah
Kot študentka socialnega dela sem v sklopu svoje prakse v 3. letniku že raziskovala prisotnost sindroma izgorelosti med socialnimi delavci in delavkami, zaposlenimi na vseh štirih enotah Centra za socialno delo Severna Primorska. Ker pa sem s prakso na eni izmed enot nadaljevala tudi v 4. letniku, sem imela priložnost dobiti vpogled v njihovo delo,...
Banks, Sarah
Published in
Nursing ethics
During the pandemic, social and health care professionals operated in 'crisis conditions'. Some existing rules/protocols were not operational, many services were closed/curtailed, and new 'blanket' rules often seemed inappropriate or unfair. These experiences provide fertile ground for exploring the role of virtues in professional life and consider...
Iwuagwu, Anthony Obinna Lai, Daniel W L Ndubuisi Ngwu, Christopher Kalu, Micheal Ebe
Published in
Journal of gerontological social work
Social workers, especially in the Global North/developed countries such as the United States of America, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, have been actively involved in implementing social programs to improve the psychosocial, health, and wellbeing of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this is not the case in the Global S...
Nordesjö, Kettil Scaramuzzino, Gabriella
Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the possibilities for people to interact and communicate. This article examines Swedish social workers’ experiences of the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the use of digital tools in their work, and whether this use has affected the social worker–client relationship and thei...
Osakwe, Zainab Toteh Oni-Eseleh, Ohiro Rosati, Robert J Stefancic, Ana
Published in
The American journal of hospice & palliative care
Although home healthcare(HHC) clinicians increasingly provide care to a homebound population with advanced illness and high symptom burden, we know little about how HHC clinicians navigate discussions about hospice with patients and families in this setting. We sought to explore perspectives on transition from HHC to hospice among HHC nurses and so...
Santillan Pina, Leslie M
Due to the national lack of service providers, current providers are experiencing high levels of stress/trauma because of workload, expectations, and the emotional toll these essential jobs have. Monterey County Behavioral Health Bureau is a public government agency that provides mental health services to the community. The purpose of this capstone...
pelkowitz, lindi crossley, caroline greville, heath thompson, sandra c.
In the Midwest region of Western Australia, rates of intimate partner and family violence (IPV/FV) are high. We undertook research into social workers’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills as part of addressing this significant public health issue. Social workers come into contact with people experiencing IPV/FV in multiple settings, so their understan...
Zuchowski, Ines McLennan, Simoane
Published in
Journal of evidence-based social work (2019)
This study identified the nature of social work practice in primary health care and described the reported patient outcomes, benefits, challenges, and enablers of social work in general practice [GP] settings. A systematic literature review applying the Prisma framework was conducted. A total of 26 studies met the inclusion criteria. Social work pr...