Hosseini, Samira Motevali, Zahra Semeykina, Yulia
Hedersrelaterat våld (HRV) grundar sig på patriarkala normer och fokuserar särskilt på kvinnors kyskhet som anses vara ett skydd för familjens sociala anseende. Regeringskansliet anser HRV som en viktig samhällsfråga och stöder vård- och omsorgssektorn med kunskap för att motverka det. Trots detta finns det bristande kunskap om HRV bland socialarbe...
Nilsson, Johan Martin, Matilda
Stress-related work absence in Sweden has risen threefold in the last 14 years. Working in close contact with clients is described by many as a risk factor for stress-related illnesses. Those working in social services are particularly exposed to these negative factors. There seems to be a consensus that much of the stress can be attributed to the ...
Feeney, Rachel Willmott, Lindy Wilson, Jill Elizabeth Reeve White, Ben
Purpose: End-of-life law governs end-of-life decision-making in clinical practice. There has been little analysis of the specific legal issues relevant to allied health professionals working in end-of-life care.
Method: A scoping review was undertaken to identify and examine the extent, range, and nature of literature on the legal issues relevant to...
Eriksson, Tilda Öbrink, Andreas
Barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa gynnas av en meningsfull fritid. Syftet med studien var att undersöka socialarbetares upplevelse av hur en meningsfull fritid påverkar barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa, samt att belysa socialarbetares integrering av meningsfull fritid i sitt dagliga arbete med barn och ungdomar. Metoden i denna studie var kvalitat...
Gunnarsson, Nina Veetnisha Hedman, Karl
This study examines how Swedish social workers across various social work agencies identify and support suicidal clients. Thematic analysis of interviews with seven social workers reveals a reliance on strong client relationships and past experiences with suicidal clients. The social workers consistently assess severity of suicidal intent in client...
Gogolos, Sofia
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka socionomers yrkeserfarenheter med ungdomar som begår brott och vilka faktorer de uppfattar kan påverka ungdomarna till att begå brott. Studien har även som syfte att undersöka hur socionomerna arbetar med dessa ungdomar och hur samarbetet med andra aktörer ser ut. För att besvara detta har kvalitativ metod ...
Molin, Louise Nilsson, Saga
In human service professions, professionals are expected to respond to and manage not only the emotions of others, but also their own. Due to the negative effects of poor emotion management, it is relevant for social workers to gain a better understanding of the role of emotions in their work. This is to strengthen their readiness to act and counte...
Cavka, Ivan Fillman, Jennie
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur professionella som är verksamma inom socialtjänst, äldrevård och HVB-hem arbetar med individer som visar tecken på kognitiv svikt, demens och alkoholmissbruk. Datainsamlingsmetoden utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex (6) intervjuer genomfördes totalt och transkriberades sedan ordagrant. Det in...
Miranda, Leonardo Costa Valente Santana, Joana
This article presents the results of a study that sought out and analysed the professional work of social workers in social work teams within the scope of urban and housing policies implemented by the Pará State Housing Company (Cohab/PA) between the 1960s and 1980s. It highlights the demands made of them, and their main responses. Based on the his...
Westin, Sara Edlund, Hannah
This study investigated associations between professional groups in adolescents' surroundings and their assessments of violence in adolescent intimate relationships. The methodological approach involved quantitative surveys, each containing 4 vignettes that manipulated social categories such as gender, age, and type of violence. In total, 108 vigne...