Manchaiah, Vinaya Chundu, Srikanth Ratinaud, Pierre Andersson, Gerhard Beukes, Eldre W.
Published in
Frontiers in Audiology and Otology
Introduction The aim of the current study was to examine changes in social representations of tinnitus as a result of Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT). Methods The study used a pretest-posttest design. A total of 106 individuals with tinnitus (mean age 57.5 years) completed a series of questionnaires before and after undertaking I...
Higuita-Gutiérrez, Luis Felipe Estrada-Mesa, Diego Alejandro Cardona-Arias, Jaiberth Antonio
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Background Cancer has different explanatory theories that address its etiology and treatment. It is usually associated with pain and suffering. Recently, new technologies, knowledge, and therapies have been developed, which may have transformed the classic social representations of the disease. This study aimed to understand the social representati...
Castelo, Uzuri Gil de Montes, Lorena Larrañaga, Maider
Published in
Journal of health psychology
The care crisis manifests the tensions and profound changes which are taking place in contemporary long-term care systems, leading to new care views and modalities in society. Through 26 interviews conducted with caregivers, family members and elderly people with care needs, this study aims to make visible the transformation in the conceptions of c...
Wagner, Wolfgang Viidalepp, Auli Idoiaga-Mondragon, Naia Talves, Kairi Lillemäe, Eleri Pekarev, Janar Otsus, Markus
Published in
Public understanding of science (Bristol, England)
This study is about how lay persons perceive and represent artificial intelligence in general as well as its use in weaponised autonomous ground vehicles in the military context. We analysed the discourse of six focus groups in Estonia, using an automatic text analysis tool and complemented the results by a qualitative thematic content analysis. Th...
Bratina, Rok
Published in
Politics in Central Europe
This paper explores social representation theory and its relevance for the understanding of how individuals construct and collectively share knowledge about the social world. It seeks to answer questions related to why and how certain social phenomena unite people and others divide them. Besides, the paper touches upon the research methodology and ...
El Ghali, Maryama Borj, Fouzia
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
Cancer and sexuality are two complex and intimately linked fields that give rise to different social representations, influencing the way their sexualities are approached. People with cancer may face challenges that influence their sex lives due to the adverse effects of the disease and its treatments. And because of alterations in identity, body i...
Gomes, Hiago Veras de Araújo, Ludgleydson Fernandes
Published in
Journal of homosexuality
LGBTphobia is a characteristic of Brazil when data on this type of violence are analyzed. For a long time, this theme was neglected at many social levels, including the legal and governmental spheres. A response to the violence experienced by Brazilian LGBT+ people has been tried many times through specific laws, however, only after many years did ...
Evrard, Renaud Braun, Arthur Raffort, Clémentine
Entendre des voix est une expérience humaine qui n'appartient plus aux seuls domaines de la psychiatrie et de la psychologie. Au cours des quarante dernières années, la perception de ce phénomène s'est progressivement transformée pour les professionnels de santé mentale, les manuels de classifications ainsi que pour les entendeurs de voix eux-mêmes...
Aldrete, Mariana
Published in
Violence against women
Research on femicide news revealed discriminatory narratives against the victims in specific cases and social contexts. This article uses a quantitative approach to analyze the news content that serves to create social representations of victims and perpetrators. We propose a methodology based on examining independent elements in the descriptions, ...
Rybina, Viktoriia
Grâce aux progrès de la technologie, les archives numériques jouent désormais un rôle important dans la préservation de l’histoire. Les jeux vidéo font également partie de cette sauvegarde. Des archives de jeux vidéo sont créées dans le monde entier pour des intérêts scientifiques, historiques, culturels et techniques. L’objectif de cet article est...