Viñas, María Ximena Álvarez Gordillo, Guadalupe del Carmen Eroza Solana, Enrique Evangelista García, Angélica A. Sánchez Ramírez, Georgina
This investigation is about the significance of motherhood for women who live with hiv. We assume that hiv is stigmatized disease, and a breaking point in their lives. This investigation is based on the interviews of eight women in different motherhood situation who went to the Integral Attention Services in Hospital de Las Culturas, San Cristobal ...
Jiménez Bolaños, José Daniel Bahena Uriostegui, Mario
This article seeks to analyze the ways in which medical discourse conceptualized and represented homosexuality in the years where HIV/AIDS emerged in Costa Rica. First, a theoretical reflection is made on the issue of sexuality as an object of study that constructs subjectivity at the same time. Then, an analysis of the journalistic discourses is m...
Río Almagro, Alfonso del Rico Cuesta, Marta
The main objective of this text is to realize a critical and comparative analysis of different types of strategies, developed and contextualised in the AIDS crisis, in the occidental society, that will allow us to understand the diverse approaches adopted, at the end of 20th century, and we will extract methodological guidelines applicable to the a...
Cosio-Zavala, Maria Eugenia De Loenzien, Myriam LUU BICH, NGOC
Il y a près de trente ans, le Viêt Nam initiait sa transition vers une économie mixte avec l’adoption de la politique du Doi moi ou Renouveau. Alors que les générations précédentes avaient été marquées par la colonisation, les conflits armés et les difficultés économiques généralisées, la génération qui a aujourd’hui trente ans a grandi dans un pay...
Torruco García, Uri
Resumen Pocas enfermedades han recibido tanta atención como la infección por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y el sida, pocas enfermedades representan de manera tan explícita el impacto que la ciencia tiene para transformar las sentencias de muerte en esperanzas de vida. En la infección por VIH los avances científicos se suceden de maner...
Gutiérrez Sandí, William Blanco Chan, Christian
STDs are caused by more than 30 bacteria, viruses and parasites different, and mostly spread by sexual contact, including vaginal, anal and oral sex.Some STDs can be spread by skin sexual contact. STD-causing organisms can also spread by non-sexual means, for example, blood product transfusions and tissue transplants. Many STDs, especially chlamydi...
Bell Pérez, Katia Coronado Rojas, Nadine Polanco García, Bárbara Laugart Wilson, Aymara Campello Cala, Marisela del Pilar
A quasi-experimental intervention study was conducted at the factory of blocks, Guantanamo in 2013 with the aim of raising the level of knowledge about HIV / AIDS on workers to achieve correct risk behaviors to infection. The universe was 80 workers. A questionnaire on the subject was applied to identify learning needs, an educational program was c...
Markus, Jean-Paul
Nul ne peut être privé du droit droit de donner son sang parce qu’il est homosexuel ou bisexuel, telle est en substance la règle dégagée par la Cour de justice. Toutefois, la Cour admet que l’interdiction puisse s’appliquer aux personnes ayant des comportements sexuels à risques, dès lors qu’aucune solution technique satisfaisante ne permet de les ...
Norman Garzón, Yania Gómez Fraga, Lucia Juan Lage, Ricardo Díaz Sierra, Yanet Díaz Reyes, Edilberto
A quasi-experimental study of therapeutic intervention uncontrolled type was performed in order to assess the immunological response to antiretroviral therapy in patients with the diagnosis of the disease that initiated antiretroviral therapy, at the Hospital "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso "in Santiago de Cuba, from March to May 2014, besides evalua...
bonnet, vincent