Li, Kaiping
This thesis is a summary of my research works at the MSM department of the University of Liège since 1989. These research works are devoted to the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional sheet metal forming processes by the finite element method. Several research areas, including the finite element modelling, the time-integration technique of...
Oh, Byung Hwan Jeon, Se Jin
Published in
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
In the preceding companion paper, a more advanced theory for the geometrically nonlinear finite element(FE) analysis of the shell structures under eccentric follower loads has been carefully established. It is expected that the derived formulation can be applied realistically to wide range of practical problems. As an important application of the p...
Jeon, Se Jin Oh, Byung Hwan
Published in
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
An advanced numerical formulation for the geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis of the shell structures under nonconservative loads is proposed in the present paper. The nonconservative follower loads are efficiently implemented by the load correction stiffness matrix(LCSM). The implications and assumptions adopted to derive LCSM are thor...
Lim, Linus Buchanan, Andrew Moss, Peter Franssen, Jean-Marc
peer reviewed / This paper describes numerical modelling of the fire behaviour of two-way reinforced concrete slabs using a special purpose non-linear finite-element program, SAFIR. Several two-way reinforced concrete and composite steel-concrete slabs are tested under exposure to the ISO standard fire in order to validate the shell finite element ...
Burry, Pierre Maitournam, Habibou Billotey, Geoffroy
Cet article présente un élément de coque bilinéaire enrichi, adapté à la modélisationdes tôles soudées par points de soudure électrique, et implémenté sous Abaqus. L’élément debase est un élément de Simo-Rifaï en petits déplacements et en élasticité linéaire. Lamodélisation proposée des points de soudure s’inspire des méthodes de modélisationd’incl...
Nguyen, X. H. Ile, N. Kotronis, Panagiotis Mazars, J. Reynouard, Jean Marie
Li, Sheng-zhi Yin, Yuan-de Xu, Jie Hou, Jun-ming Yoon, Jaehong
Published in
Journal of Iron and Steel Research International
Cold-rolled thin strip steel of high flatness quality undergoes multistage deformation during tension leveling. Thus, the parameters of set-up and manipulating are more difficult. With the aid of FE code MSC. MARC, the tension leveling process of thin strip steel was numerically simulated. Concentrating on the influence of the roll intermeshes in 2...
Rama, Gil Marinković, Dragan Zehn, Manfred
Fiber-reinforced composite laminates involving piezoelectric layers represent a very attractive material system. It combines the advantages of using rather lightweight and stiff material with the possibility of sensing structural changes and actively influencing its state by means of sensors and actuators. A three-node shell element is proposed as ...
Kmínek, Tomáš
Diplomová práce se zabývá pevnostní analýzou ocelové nádrže pro uskladnění vody. Cílem práce je tvorba několika procedur tvořících výpočetní algoritmus pro rychlé a korektní pevnostní posouzení konstrukce nádrže. První část práce se zabývá rozborem zatížení nádrží. Druhá část se věnuje matematickému popisu rámu nádrže, kde je využito metody konečný...
Rama, Gil
Verbundlaminate aus lasttragenden und multifunktionalen Schichten stellen leistungsfähige moderne Materialsysteme dar. Die dabei verwendeten passiven lasttragenden Schichten bestehen in der Regel aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen oder aus isotropen Materialien. Piezoelektrische Materialien eignen sich aufgrund ihrer sehr gut nutzbaren elektromechanischen...