Martelo Gomez, Piedad Mary Martelo Gomez, Raúl José Borré, David Antonio Franco
This study examines organizational performance in service sectors by evaluating specific companies in key areas such as financial performance, operational efficiency, and innovation. The methodology that thisstudy adopts was amixed perspective, mixing qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show that, while some companies excel in areas s...
Magaña Valencia, Karina Gabriela López, María Eugenia Ruíz de Chávez Figueroa, María Concepció... Muñoz González, Daniel Antonio Cauich Uicab, Manuelita Concepción
Los Servicios turísticos son esenciales para la experiencia del turista, siendo un punto crucial en el desarrollo económico y cultural del estado de Campeche, el posicionamiento y la atención a la calidad es fundamental para el éxito de este servicio dinámico. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los factores que impactan el po...
Zambrano Cancañón, Carlos Ernesto LaoLeón, Yosvani Orlando Moreno Pino, Maira Rosario
Resumen La necesidad de disminuir gastos en servicios turísticos y la no existencia de forma explícita en la literatura consultada de la integración del pensamiento lean como elemento facilitador en la gestión del cambio organizacional originan está investigación. El objetivo es desarrollar un modelo de gestión del cambio organizacional con pensami...
Mazó Quevedo, María Lyssette Sosa Peña, Rocío Guadalupe Santos de Dios, Raquel Olivia de los
This paper is about accessible tourism for people with disabilities and for the elderly. The objective was to evaluate the characteristics and conditions of accessibility in the facilities and in the service of two agrotourism farms located in the municipality of Comalcalco, Tabasco; both are specialized in alternative tourism by offering tours in ...
Zambrano Cancañón, Carlos Ernesto Lao León, Yosvani Orlando Moreno Pino, Maira Rosario
The need to reduce expenses in touristic services and the lack of an explicit method in the consulted literature of the integration of lean thinking as a facilitating element in organizational change management is what gave origin to this investigation. It´s goal is to develop a model of organizational change management with lean thinking in touris...
Vera Solórzano, Lady Diana Rivera Badillo, Pilar Lorena Reyes Vargas, María Victoria
With the objective of facilitate the improvement of services in establishments in the tourism sector of the canton Tena, Napo, Ecuador, a qualitative research. It was used a sample of 132 establishments (travel agency, accommodation, food and drink, recreation, fun and recreation), registered in the tourist registry. Applied a structured survey add...
Condori Chura, Delia Flores Vargas, Antonio
Tourism is an economic activity with both positive and negative impacts on society. This study focused on analyzing the economic impacts of tourism on tourism service providers worldwide. A comprehensive search for scientific papers was conducted in databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Dialnet, resulting in 89 articles, of which 12 were se...
Sánchez Suárez, Yasniel Santa Cruz, Sandra Rosa Enríquez Paz, David Santos Pérez, Orlando Marqués León, Maylín
La correcta gestión de accesibilidad y movilidad es un tema que impera en todos los destinos turísticos para proporcionar seguridad, confort, eficacia y satisfacción a sus clientes en los servicios. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la gestión de accesibilidad y movilidad en servicios asociados al turismo. Los métodos que se uti...
Ucan, David E. Enríquez, Paula L. Bello Baltazar, Eduardo Cupiche, Vianney J.
Resumen Introducción: las poblaciones de la guacamaya roja (Ara macao) en México han disminuido o se han extinguido en algunas regiones. Debido a esto, en Reforma Agraria, Chiapas, México se han implementado diferentes estrategias de manejo para su conservación. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el proceso y la implementación de las estrate...
Cupiche Herrera, Vianney Ucan, David E. Enríquez, Paula L. Bello Baltazar, Eduardo
Abstract Introduction: Scarlet macaw populations in Mexico have declined or become extinct in some regions. In Chiapas, Mexico there have been different strategies for their conservation. The objective of this study was to describe the process and implementation of management and conservation strategies for the scarlet macaw (Ara macao). Also, to i...