Vergara Escobar, Florencia Paz
Antarctica is a peculiar territory: with extremely low temperatures, light patterns different from other continents, governed by experimental geopolitics, without indigenous population but nevertheless inhabited year by year by logistic stuff and researchers. Antarctica requires specific bodies, capable of dealing with harsh conditions. What bodies...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change...
CCAFS scientists worked together with 2 regional organizations (CAC, CRRH) and two governments (Guatemala, Honduras) within the SICA (Central American Integration System) to boost pro-active CRM. To achieve this, CCAFS scientists: (1)co-developed and scaled decision-support tools so that regional organizations and national governments better unders...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change...
The Food Security Decision Support System (FSDSS) co-developed by CCAFS scientists has been integrated into the National Food Security Information System (SIINSAN).
program maize, on cgiar research
FAO, IFAD and CGIAR centers led CIMMYT did a quantitative assessment of the impacts of COVID19 in Bangladesh. WHEAT and MAIZE scientists, as part of a multi-Center and international partners (FAO) initiative in Bangladesh, provided recommendations for policy action to the Secretary of Agriculture and Ministry line agencies. This has positioned the ...
program wheat, on cgiar research
WHEAT and MAIZE scientists, as part of a multi-Center + international partners (FAO) initiative in Bangladesh, provided recommendations for policy action to the Secretary of Agriculture and Ministry line agencies. This has positioned the CGIAR in Bangladesh as a "go-to" for advice to Government on COVID response. With other partners, WHEAT and MAIZ...
program maize, on cgiar research
MAIZE scientists recommend 3 strategies to promote responsible agricultural mechanization - and that policymakers implement female-targeted farm mechanization programs, to enhance the level of small-scale mechanization in Nepal's hilly regions
program livestock, on cgiar research
The policy has been drafted, with inputs from CGIAR scientists. It will be the first official document to define what environmentally, economically and socially sustainable cattle production means for Colombia.
program wheat, on cgiar research
WHEAT/MAIZE scientists recommend 3 strategies to promote responsible agricultural mechanization - and that policymakers implement female-targeted farm mechanization programs, to enhance the level of small-scale mechanization in Nepal's hilly regions.
Bixenmann, Ryan Natalizio, Barbara J. Hussain, Yasmeen Fuhrmann, Cynthia N.
Sustainability of the scientific enterprise requires being able to recruit, retain, and prepare ongoing generations of PhD-trained scientists ready to adapt with the evolving needs of the scientific workforce and society. This necessitates a broadened, trainee-centered view in doctoral and postdoctoral training—including a prominent focus on career...
program maize, on cgiar research
The Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (DTMA) and Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) projects delivered improved drought- and stress-tolerant maize varieties to smallholder farmers. 200+ drought-tolerant (DT) maize hybrids and open-pollinated varieties (OPV) were released throughout DTMA?s lifetime, benefiting 5.4 million households. Under STMA...