Carmona Tierno, Juan Manuel
La toma de Sevilla por el santo rey Fernando is a historical drama written by dramatist Cristóbal de Morales Guerrero whose aim is to promote the character of Ferdinand III the Saint during a period in which his canonisation process was in progress. One of the strategies employed by the playwright on this purpose is to recreate on stage several sce...
Zhao, Queenning
New spaces open up when you lose someone. A disappearance is the beginning of an emergence. This project is about mourning the loss of my nai nai (paternal grandmother in Mandarin) and the spaces that have opened up during the process. Through personal experience and by mapping my psychogeography of the place where I grew up with nai nai, Visättra,...
Barre, Aurélie Leplatre, Olivier
En 2004, Robert Wilson fait jouer à la Comédie-Française une sélection de fables de La Fontaine. L’article revient sur les choix qui préside à sa mise en scène et, en particulier, la manière dont transposée la théâtralité des apologues. Voix, gestes, mouvements : empruntant à tous les arts de la scène, Robert Wilson retient et exploite ce qu’il int...
Gaard, Trina
When having travelled one returns to, or revisits, a place. Unaware of the personal transformation that has occurred, one realizes the change when confronted with familiar things. In a desire to understand what objects and places mean to people, the project An actual house looks at three objects from a childhood home: a staircase, a window and a cu...
Rixon, Tessa
The notion of authenticity is experiencing a resurgence within theatre and performance. With its myriad of associations – ‘the original’, ‘the real’, ‘truthful’, ‘genuine’, ‘believable’, ‘emotionally resonant’ – authenticity is a key component in engaging audiences with live performance (Schultze 2017). Despite an increasing body of research consid...
Monmeneu González, Mónica Gaitán Salinas, Carmen Murga Castro, Idoia
Pilar Calvo Rodero (1910-1974) embodies two aspects, largely ignored by traditional historiography, of artistic production during Francoism: woman-made art and artistic production in non-pictorial mediums such as sculpture, and costume and stage design. Through a creative commitment aimed towards tridimensionality, this artist created an imaginary ...
Padilla Díaz, Alberto Román
El cine de Roman Polanski es uno de los más ejemplos más clarificadores del empleo de la escenografía como catalizador psicológico. En una de sus aportaciones al género cinematográfico del terror psicológico y del fantástico, Rosemary’s Baby (La semilla del diablo, 1968), se consolidan muchas de las constantes audiovisuales que podrían formar part...
Dray, Charlène
Al emplear el término "ergonomía del trabajo" en relación con el término "escenografía", el presente artículo desarrolla la idea de que el diseño de herramientas digitales aptas para ser utilizadas por los caballos en el escenario les permite a estos participar activamente en la representación teatral, hasta producir formas inéditas. Abordaremos al...
Lucie, Alidières
La scénographie est un travail ouvragé, fait d’interactions croisées entre l’œuvre artistique et les professionnels. Elle repose sur un effort de projection de l’espace et de temporalités nouvelles (action de production) et participe d’un contexte interprétatif (action de réception). Notre approche entend l’étudier d’un point de vue ethnolinguistiq...
Rixon, Tessa Taylor, Madeline Briscoe, Jo Burke, Rachel Osmond, Suzanne McKeague, M'ck Roberts, Richard Tregloan, Anna
As the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2019 (PQ19) drew to a close Australian designers, researchers and educators gathered to discuss the impact of PQ on our scenographic communities while querying the evolutions and challenges facing design practice. Australia’s vast geography made this event a unique opportunity to bring toget...