Garrett, Ian Beer, Tanja Rixon, Tessa
This chapter explores the impact of the ecoscenographic framework of design practice (Beer 2021) on tertiary students interpretations of the Climate Change Theatre Action's 2021 Anthology of Climate Change plays. The authors detail the global collaborations that took place across 2021 and 2022, and examine how an eco-ethical approach to design - wh...
Teijeiro Mosquera, Daniel Lucas
The Exhibition of A Coruña it was celebrated in August 1919. Organized by the Provincial Council of Agriculture and Farming and promoted by the Chief Mining Engineer Ramón del Cueto y Noval to show the production generated by the industries and businesses of Galicia. Due to the scarce documentary sources that are preserved on this event, specially ...
Banal-Fernández, Marta
Theatrical scenography is developing its methods to address its ecological impacts. This research observes the stages already accomplished by certain theaters and scenographers. Also acknowledges how expertise in sustainable product design can be transferred to scenography design and processes. The results of this research offer insights into how t...
López del Río, Alberto
In 1954, the poet and composer Vinicius de Moraes published Orfeu da Conceição, adapting the classical Greek myth to Brazilian culture. When it comes to taking the work on stage, de Moraes surrounds himself with friends and regular collaborators, including Oscar Niemeyer, who will be in charge of building the spatial framework in which the piece wi...
Beer, Tanja Rixon, Tessa Garrett, Ian
The global ecological crisis has resulted in a reconsideration of theatre’s pedagogical frameworks, as educators attempt to integrate environmental strategies that foster eco-creative potential. An essential part of this transition is the introduction of new educational models foregrounding “sustainable choices” into theatre design pedagogy. While ...
Antolini, M.
L'opera raccoglie e illustra lo stato delle ricerche in corso nel Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura, Storia e Progetto e presenta i principali ambiti di studio del dottorato stesso
Leemans, Bas (author)
The graduation studio of Interiors Buildings Cities 2021/2022 revolves around the transformation of the National Bank of Belgium, a 90.000 m2 triangular building block which contains the offices of a public institution that controls and regulates a capitalist economy, independent from the government, between the lower and higher part of the central...
Pajek, Rebeka
Tekstilni, likovni in scenografski vidiki video projekcij pri operi Agripina so del oblikovanja operne scenografije, v procesu ustvarjanja katere smo se ekipno odločili, da jo tekstilno in likovno nadgradimo tudi z vizualnega, digitalno pogojenega vidika. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na tekstil kot element vzdušja, na likovnost, pridobljeno skozi e...
Litovski, Borjan
Diplomsko delo temelji na raziskovanju tekstilnega oblikovanja kot sodobne scenografske prakse in ustvarjanju site-specific tekstilnih scenografskih instalacij. V okviru teoretično-raziskovalnega dela so predstavljeni izbrani ključni scenografski primeri iz sodobnega slovenskega gledališkega prostora: nova slovenska opera Koda L skladatelja Milka L...
Ingielewicz, Katarzyna (author)
Architecture is used by political leaders to seduce, to impress and to intimidate. This ongoing romance of power and arts is a theme that has been known for centuries. 2019 marked a 70th anniversary of the introduction of Socialist Realism doctrine in Polish architecture, art and culture in general. That dictate lasted only seven years (1949-56), b...