A l'urbain isomorphe, désynchronisés, aux modes de vie différenciés, la fête propose un rassemblement social situé dans le temps et l'espace. Pour les centres villes, concurrencées dans l'étalement urbain, la fête devient un outil permettant de réinventer les espaces publics et d'utiliser leur pouvoir d'incarner la société et de provoquer la rencon...
This article takes a look at museums devoted to the history of war and terror in an expanding Europe, and calls their real mission into question. Careful analysis of a number of museum systems casts doubt upon their ability to present a complex history made up of collective and individual decisions, contradictory stances, and discontinuities, favou...
For a long time, the accumulation of functions and geographic centrality explained the attractiveness of city centres. Today, this attractiveness is declining due to the dispersion of these functions and increased mobility. In this context, making cities livelier, as a sign of their urban character, has become a new challenge in the competition bet...
Developments in technology and new aesthetic idioms in the past decades have changed the preconditions for the scenographer’s work in the theatre. Therefore, it has become problematic indeed to describe scenography as the sum of costume and set, although this continues to be the common definition of the concept. This study focuses on the interactio...