Ráez Padilla, Juan
Internecine violence and sectarianism, unfortunately, represent an encumbering yoke from which Northern Ireland has been struggling to liberate itself for the past fifty years (since the Troubles began in the late 60s). Seamus Heaney’s poetry is no exception. This paper focuses on some of his poems dealing with these issues, especially those writte...
Guzmán Arboleda, Sandra Natalia Fernández Fuente, Sofía
The interest in learning about ways to love some Colombian women of our day is an opportunity to make an approach to this issue by analyzing three cases presented by the Colombian film, from a view that allows us to understand love in its dimension of disagreement. The cinema as a tool is the bridge for reaching those representations of how the mod...
Sánchez Sanz, Arturo
As part of the Roman religion, the prodigies represented an important role closely linked to the fear they caused to be understood as manifestations of gods with negative character. These were understood to be produced only when humans had taken any action for which they were responsible and that had angered some particular deity, must be atoned fo...
Bataillon, Gilles
The image of muchachos bearing arms was the symbol of the novelty of the Sandinista revolution. These muchachos were perceived as the mark of a political revival, which would provide a place for youth from the popular classes who appeared as the ones who had been left behind during Somoza’s reign. The redemptive role given to the youth is paradoxic...
Albarracín Hernández, William Sánchez B., Iván
Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto genético del cruce de corderos Dorper con razas criollas colombianas, tiempo de ayuno y aturdimiento sobre los rendimientos del sacrificio; niveles de glucosa como medida de estrés y pH como calidad de la canal. Materiales y métodos. Se emplearon 60 corderos raza Dorper X criollo criados en pastoreo y semi-estabulación c...
Insausti, Gabriel
“Horae canonicae”, la serie de poemas incluida en The Shield of Achilles con el Gólgota por tema central, constituye una de las piezas más importantes del Auden de los años cincuenta. La crítica ha situado habitualmente este conjunto en el contexto del cristianismo ulterior del poeta y su evolución ideológica hacia un tibio conservadurismo, tras un...
Valle Vázquez, Ana Ma.
El escrito tiene como principal propósito reflexionar en torno a las relaciones que pudiese haber entre sacrificio y ciudad. Para ello nos centramos en lo más elemental de lo que uno y otra pueden significar. La principal pregunta que guía esta reflexión es ¿qué elementos del sacrificio pueden encontrarse en lo que llamamos ciudad? No se pretende h...
Castaño Zapata, Daniel Suniga, Natalia Clelia
This work is aimed at recreating the logical space and the –articulated or articulable– content of the notion of transgression as George Bataille presents it in “The Eroticism” (1957) based on his two major theoretical influences on this issue: the theory of parties developed by Roger Caillois (1939) and the sacrifice model as understood by Marcel ...
Petersen, Amanda L.
Clemencia (1869) presents a tragic resolution with the death of Fernando Valle, the novel's hero, depicted as patriotic, military, and moreno. The ending is problematic when considering the novel in terms of a narrative that constructs the nation-state (Doris Sommer) because there is no explanation for tragic demise of its exemplary citizen. A poss...
Garriga Zucal, José
In this paper we analyze two representations of policework among policemen of the province of Buenos Aires, focused on selflessness and sacrifice. We will show that these notions mobilize self-presentation strategies that are intended to evaluate the world of policemen and their relationships. Since they stress police duty as both risky and not mot...