Galiazo, Evelyn
In the context of current discussions about biopolitics, Roberto Esposito and Jacques Derrida reintroduce the old question of subjectivity to show that any identification always involves some sacrifice. The statement of the cogito, while determining and requiring sacrifice, also reflects it because predator subjectivity is expressed through canniba...
Urzúa, Sergio
El presente trabajo es una reflexión teórica a propósito de la huelga de hambre adoptada por los estudiantes chilenos en el marco del movimiento estudiantil de 2011. En dicho contexto, la huelga de hambre, se constituye como una herramienta que permite visibilizar el sufrimiento y desnaturalizar la represión por medio de un acto sacrificial donde l...
Gallo, Héctor Jaramillo, Ángela Elkin Ramírez, Mario
Some feminist women seen in consultation, find a subjective obstacles to the feminism conquest; one research about that matter and published as the book: Femininities, sacrifice and negotiation in the time of rights reveals that beyond the cultural conditioning of the patriarchy, these women have to solve an issue with their feminine superego to ov...
Cragnolini, Mónica
In this article, the concept of gay science allows to think about different ways to connect with the living animal, aiming the deconstruction of taking-life mechanisms. If the �holy war� against the animal is, as showed in the paper, a �war against waste�, a �generous science� like the gay science, supposes a different form of facing the relationsh...
Uribe, Juan Guillermo
The introduction of the notion of das Ding, the Thing, in the 7 Seminar: the ethics of the psychoanalysis is of crucial importance as well as for the clinic psychoanalytic as for the general ethics reflection. Lacan takes from Kant the notion of moral law as categorical imperative, which, for him, it has the force of a necessary law for its logical...
Sanjuán Muñoz, Enrique
En el presente trabajo se analiza el «sacrificio desproporcionado» al que se refiere la norma de insolvencias española para los acuerdos de refinanciación de los créditos de entidades financieras. Se parte de la identificación de dicho sacrificio y del establecimiento de la proporción de sacrificio desde una comparativa concreta: el sacrificio del ...
Uribe Velásquez, Luis Fernando Sánchez Valencia, Jorge Alberto Romero Peñuela, Marlyn
A Cross-sectional study in two commercial slaughterhouses has been undertaken in order to evaluate animal welfare practices during the stunning and bleeding using behavioral indicators. 100 bovines were observed in each slaughterhouse. Signs of loss of consciousness (corneal reflex, attempts to incorporate, vocalizations, rhythmic breathing and oth...
Penchaszadeh, Ana Paula
Este artículo intenta deconstruir un conjunto de hipótesis sobre el vínculo trágico y productivo entre identidad y extrañamiento -ínsito en la teoría política y social, y al parecer insuperable e incontestable- que va de la hostilidad a la hospitalidad. Esto será posible gracias al pensamiento de Jacques Derrida, que permite distinguir laforma conc...
Imaz, José Antonio Garciandía Alum, Jeannette Samper
Published in
Revista colombiana de psiquiatria
In this article the authors explore the different vicissitudes in the construction of the infidelity experience. Increase knowledge concerning infidelity beyond existing topics in the literature. Deepen the understanding of infidelity towards a sort of complexity that includes contextual aspects of each couple. A qualitative analysis of different c...
Alonso Benito, Luis Enrique Fernández Rodríguez, Carlos Jesús
Las crisis financieras no pueden ser reducidas, tal y como hacen ciertos analistas, a meras situaciones de pánicos, cracks, comportamientos agregados irracionales o euforias contagiadas de forma mimética: son asimismo situaciones caracterizadas por una violencia económica inaudita, cuyas víctimas sufren la bancarrota, el endeudamiento, la pérdida d...