Esparza, Daniel R.
What happens when a bull is pardoned in the arena? The art of bullfighting, accordingto Domingo Ortega’s definition, is “a very complex thing.” Forgiveness is also complex:as Ricoeur argued, if forgiveness is difficult to give and to receive “it is just as difficult toconceive of”. What does it mean, then, that this “ontologic asymmetry” bullfighti...
Granados Valdéz, Juan
In this article, the author proposes the need to reflect, from an aesthetic perspective, on the joyous nature of sacrifice from a Christian viewpoint, and specifically from a Catholic perspective. The choice of this philosophical discipline is that it integrates the capabilities of the human being without dissociating them. Furthermore, the experie...
Dapuez, Andrés Francisco
Resumen Con base en la observación y participación en numerosas ceremonias relacionadas con el sistema de cargos en un pueblo del oriente del estado de Yucatán concluyo en este artículo que la feligresía, autodenominada católica, y la iglesia católica mexicana utilizan nociones divergentes pero complementarias de “compromiso”, debido a que sus prác...
Pardo Oláguez, José Antonio
Resumen Discuto la tesis de Jean-Pierre Dupuy: «la economía es la continuación de lo sagrado». Intento esclarecer el sentido de la tesis mediante la exposición de la teoría sobre lo sagrado de Rene Girard. Concluyo que el sentido que Dupuy le asigna a esta tesis es discutible, pero podría ser válida si se le asigna otro sentido, a saber, el de la t...
Hampton, Jordan O Warburton, Bruce Sandøe, Peter
Published in
Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
善待野生动物及动物福利问题已成为保护中的一个重要话题, 但人们对于如何最好地保护野生动物并提升其福利有不同的伦理观点。其中, 应用于野生食草动物保护管理中的结果论伤害伦理框架有很多优势。为了在实现保护目标的同时尽量减少伤害, 我们认为许多情况下可以通过消费性的就地捕杀过剩的野生食草动物, 以进行管理。这项政策的好处在于:动物只在很短的时间内处于不良福利状态、剩下的动物仍享有较好的福利 (如养育后代方面) 、避免了过剩种群中较差的动物福利情况 (如饥饿) 、防止了其它物种的福利因资源耗竭而遭受负面影响 (如竞争) 、肉类的获得可以减少饲养的农业食用动物的数量, 且能以最低成本最大程度地为其它野生动物管理和保护优先问题供给资金。这个结果论框架伦理学的替代方法有道义论 (包括动物权利) 和美德伦理...
Bonet Sánchez, José Vicente García-Ramos Gallego, David
En este trabajo vamos a relacionar la película de Benito Zambrano Solas (1999) con el género o familia de films del melodrama de la mujer desconocida que propone Cavell (2009). Para ello, después de introducir el “método” asociativo cavelliano, vamos a presentar los rasgos más característicos de dicho género y la imagen de la mujer que en ellos se ...
Givre, Olivier Franck, Alice Gardin, Jean
"Les régimes de visibilité et d’invisibilisation, du cacher et du montrer, sont particulièrement significatifs en matière de mort animale. S’il est fréquent de considérer l’abattage comme une ellipse entre l’animal et la viande, des pratiques comme le sacrifice ou la chasse se présentent à l’inverse comme nécessitant de rendre la mise à mort visibl...
Quiñones Triana, Yago
This article proposes that Betsknate, a festival and ritual celebration of the Kamsá people, sheds light on how this indigenous group understands the presence of white settlers. Participants of Betsknate refer to historical and mythical elements that have been essential for the definition of being Kamsá. I suggest that the carnival´s characters pro...
Otavo, Jaime Andrés
This paper focuses on the idea of tragedy in Marx. A comparison between Capital and the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1884 is proposed, in order to assert that what happens to the human being goes through the understanding of his tragic condition in the bosom of capitalist production. It maintains that tragedy is the conflict in which the...
Paz Penagos, Hernán
This study was conducted in order to determine the presence of stress in cattle prior to slaughter in situations such as loading, transporting, unloading, water and food deprivation during mobilization and waiting in the corral in overcrowded and inclement conditions. Samples were five bovines with ages of 40 months on average, castrated males, fro...