Peretti, Leda
En la sección cosmogónica del Popol Vuh, tal como la interpreta Francisco Ximénez, se sugiere un enlace, a través del cangrejo, entre la primera montaña-tierra emergida de las aguas y la montaña donde fue sepultado Sipakna. Las características de Sipakna, de su hermano Kab’raqan y de su padre, Wukub’ Qaquix, indican que esta primera tierra no corre...
Buil Zamorano, Unai
In the context of most studies about René Girard’s thought, it is commonly assumed that mimetic desire is Girard’s original idea about human desire as such. In this sense, mimetic desire would be Girard’s first discovery chronologically speaking. Likewise, it is also widely believed that Girard’s Anthropology and his theory about religion would lat...
Pérez López, Janneth Alyne
This article proposes one of the many, but necessary reflections on violence, which is presented with such insistence, that it seems to resonate in the past of a culture so offended by it, such as the Mexican one. This arises particularly from an anachronistic and comparative vision between the invisibility of the bodies that inhabit Ecatepec and M...
García Ramos, David
The condemnation of Socrates by the city of Athens, as well as the compliance of the philosopher, are a constant ground in the research task of multiple academics. Before the most classical readings, which focus on the political response of a defeated Athens or on the instructive will of the wise, the interpretation of Socrates appears as a sacrifi...
Lepori, Filippo
Starting from the connection between formulaic iteration and ritual iteration in Homeric type-scenes of sacrifice, this paper aims to investigate whether formulaic variations can be reconstructed as significant evidence of ritual variations. In particular, this work, developed along the lines of the historical-anthropological method, deals with the...
Neri López, José Manuel
Resumen Este ensayo se pregunta si existe en la producción intelectual, literaria y política de Georges Bataille una subversión del mal entendido como deseo viril por la soberanía y el poder. Para ello, se aborda la conceptualización que Bataille hizo sobre la virilidad en tres momentos distintivos de su obra. El primero es durante su militancia en...
Venebra Muñoz, Marcela
Resumen El autosacrificio es un modo más radical de relación yo-cuerpo, es un modo de apropiación fenomenológicamente descriptible como un acto que exhibe y explota la escisión autoconsciente de la vida concretamente humana. El autosacrificio es el acto de un yo, de un sujeto lúcidamente consciente que experimenta o constituye su cuerpo bajo una or...
Verdenelli, Juliana
This article investigates the relevance of the notion of sacrifice to understand certain persistent inequalities in gender relations within the professional tango and contemporary dance circuits of Buenos Aires. From the data collected in an ethnographic fieldwork carried out between 2014 and 2020 with a group of dancers who are mothers, the repres...
Quintero Machler, Alejandro
Objective: The article’s objective is to explore the notion of sacrificial moral regime in the oeuvre of poet, educator and Catholic apologist José Joaquín Ortiz (1814-1892), particularly in his polemical essay Las Sirenas, which was directed against Utilitarianism and its supposed moral regime. Methodology: An analysis of the intellectual field to...
Neri López, José Manuel
Thisessay asks if there is in the intellectual, literary and political production of Georges Bataille a subversion of evil as the virile desire for sovereignty and power. To answer this, it approaches the conceptualization that Bataille did on virility in three distinctive moments of his oeuvre. The first one is during his militancy in the movement...