González Araya, María Nidia
El presente trabajo pretende analizar dicha obra desde la perspectiva de los movimientos de vanguardia que impregnaron su huella en algunos escritores latinoamericanos de la década de los años veinte. Esta tendencia hace que se manifieste una transformación en los panoramas culturales, en América Latina, que rompen de manera extrema con la tradició...
Arias, María Fernanda
The article examines one of the most important attempts to institutionalize Peronism in the ‘80s. Peronism was always a charismatic party when Perón was still alive. But at the onset of democratisation in the ‘80s, a group of party members coming from the political branch, as governors and legislators, developed an internal faction which tried to r...
Marín Vélez, Gustavo Adolfo
This article contains a group of juridical reflections regarding the leasing contract of real estates; throughout the context of the Colombian juridical ordinance. In particular; it approaches the issues concerning the juridical viability that the landlord can unilaterally terminate the leasing contact; when invoking; as a cause; the mere term-expi...
Pérez Tornero, José Manuel
Many changes are in progress in the field of media education in Latin American context. These changes have made possible that we can find new actors, new languages and new strategies. This situation implies the need to think about new issues and to renovate the basis of the theory and practice in this field. / Se están produciendo grandes cambios e...
Ortiz Sobrino, Miguel Ángel
XXI Century television is undergoing a process of transformation. New actors, new products and new ways of consuming television are on the lookout. Interactivity will make the traditional concept of television disappear. Television viewers can design their own grids independently of the operator�s schedule. The convergence of television and compute...
Chesney Lawrence, Luis
The University theaters in Venezuela have had a great relevance in the task of the national scene, specially during the years fifties to the sixties, although its history and projection have not been sufficiently studied. This research, which is part of a wider project about this subject, tries to recover this memory and to make a re-reading of the...
Pavón Rabasco, Francisco
This paper presents some ideas about how the author sees the current television in Spain. It has been calculated that today in Spain one student of Primary or Secondary school spends about 900 hours in class and between 1500 and 2000 in front of the TV. The author develops some audiovisual, academic activities that teachers could do with students i...
León, Samuel P. Abad, María J. F. Rosas Santos, Juan Manuel
An experiment in human predictive learning was conducted with the goal of exploring the role of the informative value of the context where the information is learned on context dependency of performance. Three groups of participants received training on a discrimination between two cues (X and Y) while another cue (Z) was always followed by the out...
Maturo, Graciela
This time, I try to set into the literary research context, the necessity of complementing the historic or cultural biased hermeneutic (Latin American cultural studies) with a phenomenology of the literary work, that sponsor the recovering and appreciation of the creation process. This hermeneutic phenomenology, as proposed here, has to have as the...
Seoane, María Isabel
La primera parte de la presente investigación se publicó en la Revista Electrónica Año 1 - Nº 2, 2008. En ésta abordamos, con la misma metodología de trabajo, lo concerniente a los sujetos testamentarios (testadores, legatarios, herederos y albaceas) señalando, en torno de ellos, la supervivencia de la tradición y el impacto de la renovación decimo...